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In 1961, President John F. Kennedy said, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.” Education is vital to an informed society, a successful economy, and a secure nation. Improving science and math education throughout the country are necessary to preserve our capacity for innovation and discovery, and for ensuring U.S. economic strength and competitiveness in the international marketplace of the 21st century.

Rep. Eshoo believes the United States should lead the world in education. Children need the best schools, the best teachers, and the best resources in order to become good citizens and contributors to society and strengthen our nation in the 21st century.

Education for the 21st Century

As a member of the House Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education Caucus, Rep. Eshoo believes the U.S. should produce the world's best scientists and engineers. Every student should be exposed to the fundamentals of science, technology,...

Higher Education

As the cost of college outstrips the ability of families to pay, too many students are forced to take on high loan debt burdens. Rep. Eshoo believes every student deserves the opportunity for an affordable education, allowing them to compete in the competitive...

K-12 Education

Today, U.S. students have fallen far below the average developed country in international assessments. Rep. Eshoo consistently supports legislation to help close the achievement gap and improve the quality of every level of education so that all children...

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