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Print Version-Rep. Capuano Statement on Trump Infrastructure Plan


Rep. Capuano Statement on Trump's Infrastructure Plan

February 12, 2018

"“After more than a year of promises, President Trump finally released his infrastructure plan and it wasn’t worth the wait. Although it claims to be a $200 billion plan, cuts to current funding for infrastructure programs like New Starts, and Amtrak decrease overall infrastructure spending. This plan also shifts more of the funding burden to states and communities, further undermines environmental regulations and reduces necessary oversight by dramatically speeding up the permitting process. One notable detail that the plan neglects is perhaps the most important one – where is the money coming from? Trump’s proposal requires that the $200 billion be offset but doesn’t specify exactly what programs should be cut to do it. This plan is also being sold as a $1.5 trillion plan but it really isn’t one. That number assumes over $1 trillion in nonfederal infrastructure spending will suddenly materialize. It won’t”."

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