U.S. Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT: Proudly Serving the First District of Texas


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  • DHS: Jesus, Mary and Joseph could have earned asylum in U.S.
    Posted in In The News on December 20, 2018 | Preview rr

    Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen assured members of Congress Thursday that Jesus, Mary and Joseph would have qualified for asylum in the U.S. as they fled King Herod. That turned out to be a point of contention as Ms. Nielsen testified to the House Judiciary Committee, fielding angry questions and denunciations from Democrats who say the Trump administration has been cruel to migrants. Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, Illinois Democrat, was the most pointed, saying a Trump administration tran... Read more

  • ZOA to ADL: Apologize/Retract ADL’s “Abhorrent” Attack Against Pro-Israel Cong. Gohmert
    Posted in In The News on December 11, 2018 | Preview rr

    Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), released the following statement defending Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and his statements criticizing George Soros on the Fox Business Network, and urging ADL to apologize for ADL’s “abhorrent” attack on Congressman Gohmert: It is not antisemitic to point out that Soros funds attacks on Israel and failed to feel remorse or guilt. ADL should apologize to Congressman Louie Gohmert. Congressman Louie Gohmert is one of Israe... Read more

  • Louie Gohmert Slams Google for Making the SPLC a 'Trusted Flagger' on YouTube
    Posted in In The News on December 11, 2018 | Preview rr

    On Tuesday, multiple Republican congressmen ripped into Google for listing the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a "trusted flagger" on its platform YouTube. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) ripped into Google CEO Sundar Pichai for trusting an organization that brands conservative and Christian groups "hate groups" along with the Ku Klux Klan. "You have a trusted flagger, you had indicated, called the Southern Poverty Law Center," Gohmert told Pichai. "The... Read more

  • Rep. Louie Gohmert lauds former President Bush as man of integrity, patriot
    Posted in In The News on December 4, 2018 | Preview rr

    TYLER, Texas (KETK) - Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) has joined many other Texas officials in paying tribute to former President George H.W. Bush, who died November 30 at the age of 94. In a statement issued by his office, Rep,. Gohmert lauded the 41st president as a man who "served this nation with dignity and strength" and who "displayed integrity in both his public and private life." The statement in full reads: "President George H.W. Bush served this nation with dignity and strength. Not only ... Read more

  • Rep Louie Gohmert Doubles-Down After Ending Dobbs Segment With ‘It’s Not Anti-Semitic To Criticize [George] Soros’
    Posted in In The News on November 1, 2018 | Preview rr

    Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert fired back at those who accuse him and others of anti-Semitism for criticizing liberal billionaire financier George Soros. At the end of a segment on Wednesday night’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Gohmert said, “It’s not anti-Semitic to criticize Soros, and Israel issued a statement a year ago saying just that.” Gohmert’s televised comments came less than a week after Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell was banned from Fox-affiliated networks after accusing the “Soros-occupied State ... Read more

  • Louie Gohmert: Use anti-racketeering law to track down people funding Central American caravan
    Posted in In The News on October 22, 2018 | Preview rr

    A Texas Republican suggested Monday that the Trump administration should use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO, to investigate who might be funding a caravan of 7,000 Central American migrants traveling to the United States' southern border. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said Attorney General Jeff Sessions should instruct the Justice Department to look into who is paying people to walk from Honduras north through Guatemala and Mexico. "We have got to have the D... Read more

  • Gohmert: DOJ Must Investigate Caravan Funding
    Posted in In The News on October 22, 2018 | Preview rr

    The Department of Justice must investigate funding behind the massive migrant caravan heading ot the U.S. border, and the people traveling from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador won't be able to make a legitimate asylum claim once they arrive, Rep. Louie Gohmert said Monday. "We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S., because that you can use RICO to go after them," the Texas Republican told Fox News' "... Read more

  • Gohmert: Caravan’s ‘Going to Find Out We Have a Very Strong President, Not a Weak-Kneed Guy Afraid of Hurting People’s Feelings’
    Posted in In The News on October 22, 2018 | Preview rr

    “Thank God we have a president that will stand up to an invasion like this,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) exclaimed Monday, addressing the caravan of thousands of illegal aliens approaching the U.S. border. The army of illegal aliens storming the U.S. southern border constitutes an actual "invasion" of our country, and President Donald Trump is prepared to take them on, Gohmert told Fox News: “All of these people trying to force their way in – it’s called an invasion. And, thank God we have a pr... Read more

  • Seven GOP congressmen call for House and Senate Ethics investigations into leaking of Ford letter
    Posted in In The News on October 3, 2018 | Preview rr

    Seven Republican congressmen formally requested on Wednesday that the House and Senate Ethics Committees investigate Democrats’ handling of Christine Blasey Ford’s letter detailing sexual assault allegations. Representatives Andy Biggs, Steve King, Jeff Duncan, Bob Gibbs, Ralph Normal, Rod Blum, and Louie Gohmert sent two letters to each chamber’s Ethics Committee targeting Rep. Anna Eshoo and Sen. Dianne Feinstein. They requested that both California Democrats and their staff be investigated in... Read more

  • Gohmert: Dems Fighting Declassification ‘to Protect the Guilty;’ Rosenstein Has ‘Strong Motive’ to Suppress
    Posted in In The News on September 19, 2018 | Preview rr

    The reason Democrats and the Justice Department (DOJ) are resisting President Donald Trump’s order to declassify certain Russia investigation documents is that they want to “protect the guilty,” Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) said Tuesday. “The reason for the delay has been to protect the guilty,” Gohmert told Fox Business Host Lou Dobbs. “The names are being redacted, things are being redacted to protect the guilty. So, that’s the reason that they’re being redacted. That’s the reason they’re bein... Read more