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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., applauded the Trump Administration for proposing a rule that would scale back the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Introduced during the Obama Administration, the WOTUS rule vastly expanded the definition of which waterways the federal government could regulate.  

“The Obama-era Waters of the United States rule gave the Environmental Protection Agency power to regulate bodies of waters it should have never had control over,” Enzi said. “It was an executive overreach, which not only took away authority that was rightly vested in the states, but it failed to take the concerns of the stakeholders who were most impacted by it into consideration. I opposed this rule from the very beginning, cosponsoring a Senate resolution to overturn it. I am glad the Trump Administration has taken steps to more clearly define which bodies of water the federal government should be managing and look forward to fully reviewing the new rule.”