
Protecting Life

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The United States Constitution guarantees the “right to life.” Moreover, the Preamble of this document states that our unalienable rights that are protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights are recognized by the People for both ourselves and our posterity. The right to life of the unborn is clear in this recognition of its extension to the posterity of the People.

Congressman Hice is a staunch supporter of the cause for life. And it is time that we, as a Nation, challenge Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court based much of its opinion in their decision on science that is now half a century old. Modern medical science has provided us with tools like 3D high definition sonogram imaging of the baby in the womb, clear evidence of intelligent human life. There is clear science that answers many of the questions of when life begins that were asked in Roe v. Wade and the time for a challenge to the decisions made in that case has arrived.

During the course of the 115th Congress, the House has made tremendous strides in the cause for life. Among other important pro-life bills, Congressman Hice voted in favor of H.R. 7 to permanently end taxpayer funding of abortion. Additionally, Congressman Hice was honored to introduce H.R. 586, the Sanctity of Human Life Act. His bill defines life as beginning at conception without exception. If enacted, it would end the plight of abortion on our nation.

Congressman Hice believes that our country is currently undergoing a revival of support for life, and he will continue to fight for those without a voice – the unborn. 

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