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  • Border Security

    Border Security America’s borders are broken. There is no more simple way to say it. We must shut the back door of illegal immigration, so the front door of legal immigration can remain open. Securing the border, insisting companies hire only legal w...

  • Economic Recovery

    Slow Economic Recovery Hardworking Americans continue to endure the slowest economic recovery in modern times when it comes to economic growth and income growth. And the picture isn’t much better when it comes to private-sector job creation. As the f...

  • Energy & Environment

    Energy & Environment Energy Texas families, small businesses, airlines, schools, and law enforcement officials are being hammered by volatile fuel prices. Yet, the solution to our energy problems is straightforward – America needs to find more source...

  • Retirement Security

    Retirement Security Social Security As the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, I am in a good position to address the shortcomings in the current Social Security system and ensure this program is solvent today and in the years to come. P...

  • Spending Reform

    Spending Reform "The nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on the earth is a government program." -- President Ronald Reagan For more than six years, our economy has endured the worst economic recovery in modern times. Our federal government h...

  • Trade

    Trade As the former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade, I understand how trade is critical to the prosperity of our nation, and to Texas. Our state is the number one exporting state in the nation, and one of the fastest growin...

  • Your Taxes

    Your Taxes Since day one, one of my top priorities in Congress has been tax reform and to lower the tax burden on American families and ensure small businesses have the capital they need to be successful and create jobs. As Chairman of the House Ways...