Oversight of the Administration

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I did not support Donald Trump for President, but upon his victory I pledged to work with him wherever he showed a willingness to enact constructive solutions to the country’s problems. I will continue to listen to my colleagues from across the aisle, and consider reasonable policy proposals.

At the same time, Congress has a duty to provide oversight of the Administration and the Executive Branch, and this role is one of my major priorities.

Our country is now witnessing a rise in instances of bigotry, prejudice, xenophobia, and hate crimes. I have introduced bills to protect communities targeted by violence and discrimination, including the NO HATE Act and the Freedom of Religion Act. I will continue to be a forceful advocate for policies which defend our country’s commitment to tolerance and inclusion. 

I will stand up for the federal workforce, which has increasingly come under attack through new administrative policies. Through my position as Vice-Ranking Member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I will also provide active oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies, including demanding solutions to climate change. 

Donald Trump’s lack of transparency, best exemplified by his refusal to release his tax returns, is a significant problem, as are his business conflicts of interest and violations of the emoluments clause. I have led or joined a number of initiatives, both legislative and legal, to hold the President and his administration accountable whenever they fail to meet the high standards this country expects of its leaders.
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