Press Releases
Rep. Blum Cosponsors Bill to Protect Social Security and Medicare
October 10, 2018
Congressman Blum recently cosponsored H.Res.1026 to express the sense of the House that Medicare and Social Security must be protected for current enrollees and preserved for future generations. Rep. Blum commented, "Growing up, my mother was dependent on Social Security survivor benefits to put food on the table after my father passed— I personally understand the importance and necessity of these benefits. Iowans have worked hard and paid into the Social Security system with the expectation tha... More
Press Releases
Rep. Blum Statement on E15 Sales
October 9, 2018
Rep. Blum issued the following statement in regard to President Trump’s announcement to allow year-round E15 sales: “I applaud President Trump’s decision to continue E15 sales into the summer months. After discussing with him the benefits of this decision during his recent visit to Dubuque, I have no doubt he is looking out for the best interests of our farmers.” ### More
Press Releases
Rep. Blum Hosts 2nd Public Event to Combat Opioid Crisis
October 5, 2018
After hosting an extremely productive Opioid Conference this past July focused on law enforcement efforts, Rep. Blum is planning a second conference on October 17th in Waterloo-- this time focused on health care. The conference will be held on October 17, 2018 from 5-7PM at the Iowa Veterans Museum (503 South Street) in Waterloo and will feature a legislative update from Rep. Blum, Keynote Speaker Ann Saba, MPH, Communications and Research Specialist, Injury Prevention and Research Center, Unive... More
Press Releases
Rep. Blum Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Help Breast Cancer Survivors
October 3, 2018
Congressman Rod Blum and his colleague, Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), introduced H.R. 6980, the Breast Cancer Patient Equity Act to expand Medicare coverage to include custom breast prosthesis as an option for women recovering from mastectomy surgery. After a woman undergoes a mastectomy, Medicare will only cover breast reconstruction surgery and off-the-shelf breast prosthetics. Many women are not eligible to undergo an additional surgery for reconstruction and off-the-shelf prosthetics may not match a... More
Press Releases
Blum Leads Letter to POTUS Appealing FEMA Decision
October 2, 2018
The entire Iowa delegation, led by Congressman Blum, wrote to President Donald Trump in support of Governor Kim Reynolds’ appeal of the Administration... More
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