U.S. Representative Jared Polis


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A strong, stable economy rests on supporting businesses and working families. In order for positive economic growth to continue, Congress must pursue policies that allow employees to benefit from the financial gains of companies; promote job creation for small businesses; and build ladders of opportunity to create economic mobility. 

Growing the Middle-Class

Despite recent wage growth in the middle-class and decreased poverty rates across the country, economic inequality continues to grow. The rising costs of child-care, increasing housing costs, lack of paid sick and family leave, as well as the inability for many workers to invest in retirement plans, creates significant barriers to growing wealth. Jared is fighting to ensure that American workers have basic workplace protections and fair wages that families need in order to pursue their economic goals. 


Access to affordable housing is the cornerstone to helping communities, families, and businesses thrive. A healthy housing market provides a mix of housing options - both homeownership and affordable apartments - for all households on the income spectrum. Numerous studies have proven that stable housing has benefits beyond putting a roof over one’s head, including improved early childhood education outcomes and reducing chronic health conditions. However, many Coloradans find themselves dedicating more of their income on housing costs as rental markets have tightened and housing sale prices have soared. Jared is working to balance the housing system to help Colorado families have access to housing that best meets their needs and financial goals while ensuring salaries can keep pace with the higher costs.  

Small Businesses, Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

Small businesses form the engine of our economy, making up nearly half of private-sector employment. Fostering an environment for entrepreneurs to pursue their business goals, enabling small businesses to grow and allowing employees to partake in the growth of a company not only builds a strong economy, but also creates a sustainable one.

To facilitate pragmatic, evidence-based policy solutions to promote small business growth, Jared launched the bipartisan House Caucus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Caucus focuses on educating Members of Congress on ways to support small businesses and help entrepreneurs start a company. Jared is the co-founder of Startup Day Across America, a day each year in which lawmakers visit local startups and entrepreneurs to learn about the challenges they face and how public policy can address those challenges.  

Tax Reform

The success of businesses and workers depends on fundamentally reforming the tax code. By limiting deductions and eliminating special interest, loopholes we can support job creation, encourage investments in small businesses and help working families keep more money in their pockets. We need a simple and fair tax code that ensures predictability for businesses, individuals and our federal budget. 

Federal Deficit

Reducing the deficit requires a balanced, bipartisan approach that includes reductions in spending, reforms of entitlements, and new revenues. We also need a constitutional amendment similar to Colorado’s that will restrict Congress from busting the budget.

Office Contact: For more information on or questions about economic issues, please contact Hilary Gawrilow in the Washington Office. You can also visit Congressman Polis' Legislation Page or find information on bills and amendments that he’s cosponsored in Congress.

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