What would you do if your student debt was cancelled out? What difference would it make for you? By repealing the Republican tax scheme, we can free millions of people from student loans, reduce our deficit, and help future college-goers. Let’s eliminate the $1.9 trillion corporate and special interest giveaway, and replace it with a break that actually helps people!
Speaking about what Congress must consider as we debate immigration policy. Speaker Ryan and Rep. Goodlatte’s bills are anti-family and reward Pres. Trump’s attempts to use children, Dreamers, and asylum-seekers as leverage to get his anti-immigrant policies and wall through Congress.
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) - amendment

There are so many absolutely beautiful places throughout our congressional district and Colorado!
USA Today announced its 2018 Ski and Snowboard Readers' Choice Award's top 10 ski resorts yesterday and Winter Park Resort topped the list.

Protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Allowing young people to stay on their parents’ health care plan. Access to insurance through state exchanges. These are only a few of the things we stand to lose. We can’t move backward.
Whether you know it or not, Obamacare has affected nearly every American.