Press Release ● Health Care
For Immediate Release: 
December 13, 2018
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the closing days of open enrollment for 2019 on, which ends on Saturday, December 15: 

“Americans have until Saturday at midnight to visit and explore their options for affordable health insurance coverage through the state and federal marketplaces.  The Trump Administration is doing everything possible to keep Americans from learning about the range of quality, affordable plans available, but millions have already visited the site or called (800) 318-2596 to find out if they can save on monthly premiums or obtain coverage that better meets their needs.  Many may be eligible for cost-saving measures that bring premiums down substantially, including 4.2 million currently uninsured Americans who will be able to obtain coverage for no monthly premium at all.  Even if someone is already covered, it is worth checking to see if additional savings are available. 

“House Democrats ran on protecting the Affordable Care Act from repeal and bringing the cost of health care and prescription drugs down, and we won a strong mandate to do so in the 116th Congress.  No matter how hard the Trump Administration tries to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, we will stand up and fight for every American’s access to quality, affordable coverage.  I urge everyone to visit or call (800) 318-2596 before this Saturday’s deadline to see what coverage options are available and get covered.”