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LIVE NOW: Manti Town Hall
Honoring Utah’s great pioneer heritage today from Washington. Happy Pioneer Day!

I believe the President’s new policy on Syria is a mistake. Having been to the region many times, working with our partners to bring stability to a very important part of the world, I believe it’s critical for America and our allies to remain engaged. Though we have always maintained a very small footprint in Syria, we have had a huge impact on humanitarian, political and military objectives. Most troubling, if we withdraw, we leave our allies exposed and in a weakened position. The only ones who benefit from this decision are our adversaries in the region, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. We are working with the administration to see if we can change this policy to one that will protect our vital interest in the region.

Utahns expect the federal government to fulfill its mandate to provide border security while keeping the government open and operating. I am working on striking a deal that accomplishes both.
Rep. Chris Stewart says that a partial government shutdown is unlikely. He is convinced that Democrats and Republicans will reach a compromise.