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  • Animal Welfare

    Recently, I introduced the Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act, legislation which would make the possession, sale, and purchase of shark fins in the United States illegal acts To end shark finning, we need to end the demand for shark fins. By authoring ...

  • Budget - Spending and Debt

    As the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said, “The national debt is the single biggest threat to national security.” With total U.S. outstanding debt fast approaching 100 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the rat...

  • Child Safety

    Our children are our future. While parents are primarily responsible for the upbringing of their children, there are some things we can do so that the most vulnerable do not fall through the cracks. It is imperative that law enforcement and the media...

  • Crime and Victims' Rights

    As a California State Senator, I wrote the first stalking law in the country. The California Legislature passed my bill after four women were killed in the space of 6 weeks in Orange County. All four women, fearing for their life, had sought police p...

  • Education

    As a life-long resident of Southern California, increasing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education has been a major priority of mine. Enhancing STEM education in our local schools is critically important if California is to remain ...

  • Energy Independence

    In the 112th Congress Republicans unveiled the American Energy Initiative. The initiative consists of three general guidelines to address the high cost of energy: 1.) Stop government policies that are driving up gas prices and threatening jobs 2.) Ex...

  • Environment

    In 2003, I was one of the founding members of the International Conservation Caucus. The mission of this caucus is to help the United States lead public and private international partnerships that provide stewardship of natural resources for habitat...

  • Financial Services

    I am a senior member of the Financial Services Committee, which oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking, and housing industries. The Committee also oversees the work of the Federal Reserve, the T...

  • Foreign Affairs

    I currently serve as Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Previously, I served as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, and in the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment. The Committee...

  • Health Care

    Californians remain concerned about the rising cost of healthcare and the decreasing number of options for health insurance. Many Southern California families are struggling with premium increases, which rose by double digits in 2017. In 2018, appro...

  • Homeowner Assistance

    America deserves a better housing finance system - one that’s designed for homeowners and taxpayers where every American works hard and plays by the rules so that they can have opportunities and make choices to buy a home they can actually afford to ...

  • Human Trafficking

    The fight against human trafficking remains a priority in the House of Representatives. In fact, in 2017 the House passed a legislative package of 11 bills that will provide law enforcement with additional tools to target human traffickers and close ...

  • Human Rights

    As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I am actively involved in bringing attention to many of the unfortunate human rights abuses being committed around the globe. It is important that the international community keeps dialogue open on ...

  • Jobs and the Economy

    The 21st century global economy is transforming the way we live our lives. Nowhere is this more evident than in Southern California where we are fortunate to lead the nation in sectors such as advanced logistics, high-tech innovation, and financial ...

  • Seniors Issues

    There are many issues impacting the lives seniors from retirement to Social Security to the rising cost of health care. Social Security will stand as it is for many years to come and current and soon-to-be retirees do not have to worry about it not b...

  • Small Business

    Small Businesses are powerful forces in our economy. They represent over 99 percent of all employers in America. In fact, small businesses create 80% of all new jobs. Relieving the heavy tax and paperwork burden put on the shoulders of America's smal...

  • Tax Relief

    I am a strong advocate for the taxpayer and have continuously worked to lower taxes for families and small businesses. In recent years, Washington has created an unprecedented level of uncertainty that is stifling businesses. Washington must do more ...

  • Terrorism

    On the Foreign Affairs Committee, I have the honor of serving as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade. The Subcommittee is at the forefront of some of the most important issues facing our country. My main focus is the...

  • Transportation & Infrastructure

    Modernizing our transportation system is vital to the economic growth of not only of Orange County, but to the entire nation. I have made improvements along the rail corridor in Placentia, Fullerton and Anaheim one of my transportation priorities. Ad...

  • Veterans' Affairs

    Ensuring that our veterans receive the best possible care and can succeed as civilians after they leave the military is critical. For too long, the endless bureaucracy and red tape at the VA have protected underperforming and negligent employees ins...

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