Press Releases

Simpson Cheers Farm Bill Passage

Bipartisan legislation will continue important programs for Idaho agriculture

Washington, December 12, 2018

Washington, D.C. - Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted in favor of H.R. 2, the Agriculture Improvement Act which is the conference report for the Farm Bill. The legislation reauthorizes many important programs for industries in Idaho like potatoes, dairy, grain, and sugar beets.

“The Farm Bill represents one of the most vital pieces of legislation for Idaho,” said Congressman Simpson. “Whether it is the specialty crop programs for our potatoes or retaining the integrity of the no cost sugar program for beet producers, this bill touches on the most critical parts of Idaho’s agriculture economy. I was pleased to vote in favor of legislation that provides the certainty farmers and ranchers need to succeed.”

Specifically, the legislation includes important Idaho provisions such as:

  • The Specialty Crop Research Initiative which provides important support for potato research;
  • The Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops to support foreign trade for Idaho products;
  • The Foreign Market Development Program which helps Idaho farmers reach foreign markets;
  • For the first time the new Farm Bill offers dairy producers the opportunity to participate in both crop insurance-type and farm bill safety net risk management programs for milk;
  • Retains the U.S. Sugar Program which operates at no cost to taxpayers and is critical to the success of sugar beet farmers in Idaho.

H.R. 2 also includes forest management provisions which builds on the historic forestry reforms Congressman Simpson included in the 2018 Omnibus Appropriations bill.

The Senate passed the Farm Bill on Tuesday and Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue has stated he will recommend President Trump sign the bill into law. To learn more about the Farm Bill visit: