Rep. Crist Hosts an Access to Capital Fair.

Reliable, consistent, and fair access to affordable capital is the lifeblood of small businesses, the backbone of our economy. By expanding access to capital, we can bolster our small businesses, the middle class, and the American dream.

  • SBA LINC: This initiative by the Small Business Administration connects business owners with potential lenders. In a three step process, business owners fill out an online form with details about their business, which is then sent to possible lenders. A business owner is then contacted within 2 days if there’s a match.
  • SBA guaranteed loans: The SBA also has programs to help small businesses access loans when they may not be available otherwise.
  • Grants: It may be possible for a business to qualify for a grant to help pay for their activities under certain circumstances, such as scientific research and development.
  • SBIR – STTR: The Small Business Innovation Research program and the Small Business Technology Transfer expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development sector to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

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