McCaskill Votes Against Package of Spending Bills & Tax Giveaways

Senator: Nearly $2 trillion package is a ‘fiscally irresponsible step too far’

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, a former Missouri State Auditor, today voted against a nearly $2 trillion package of spending bills and tax giveaways, citing its extension of giveaways for the wealthy and special interests, and the fact that it is not fully paid for—meaning it will add significantly to the national debt. McCaskill released the following statement:

“This package is one fiscally irresponsible step too far. It includes important provisions for programs I support, like a boost to the E/A-18 Growler and F/A-18 Super Hornets production lines in St. Louis. But the bulk of this package is just a series of huge, expensive tax giveaways to the wealthy and special interests—not paid for—that will add significantly to our national debt and hamper our ability to achieve my goal of a simpler, fairer tax code.”

One year ago this week, McCaskill voted against a $1 trillion “omnibus” spending bill, after secretive, last-minute additions to the bill changed election rules to allow for huge financial donations from wealthy contributors to political parties and committees.

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