Student Center

Student Center

Student Center

One of the greatest joys of working for you as your elected representative is helping our students achieve their dreams. Whether it’s highlighting artistic and technological prowess through the Congressional Art Competition and Congressional App Challenge, providing valuable work experience through internships or helping with nominations to one of our esteemed Military Service Academies – my staff and office are here to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed.

Service Academy Nominations

Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. service academies: 

To request a Military Academy Nomination from our office or to see eligibility details, visit our application page here.


Each semester and summer, my offices offer Congressional internships to qualified college students and recent graduates. These highly competitive internships provide an excellent opportunity to see the legislative process in action.

Capitol Hill interns experience the fast-paced day-to-day life with Congressional staffers. An intern provides basic assistance to the office by conducting Capitol tours, directing constituent mail, working with the legislative staff on research and special projects, and attending meetings.

Positions are limited. For more information please click here.

Information for Students of All Ages

  • White House 101 Facts and fun for all ages about America's White House and the Presidents, families, and pets who have lived and served there.

Information for K-12 Students

  • Kids in the House Learn about the rules, procedures, and traditions in the House of Representatives from the 34th Clerk of the House, Karen L. Haas.
  • Learn, explore, and have fun at, a website designed to serve as a kids portal to the United States government. links to over 2,000 web pages from government agencies, schools, and educational organizations - and they're all geared toward kids.
  • Ben's Guide to U.S. Government: for Kids Since you're learning all about government, why not take a tour of American distinctives led by one of the architects of our democracy, Benjamin Franklin.
  • NASA: for Kids
  • CIA: for Kids
  • FBI: for Kids

Teacher Resources

  • The Learning Page The Library of Congress' learning page is an educator's one-stop-shop to teaching the fundamentals of American democracy to students. Lesson plan assistance, lecture ideas, and little known American history facts are all at your fingertips on this site.

Foundational Documents