Flag Request

If you are a resident of Idaho, you may purchase a U.S. flag from my office. There is no limit on the number of flags you may order.  To order flag or flags, download and complete this form. After you have completed the form, please attach your payment and mail to the address below.

You may also request that your new flag be flown over the U.S. Capitol. Flags may be flown in recognition of a particular person, event, or organization, and may be flown on a specific date. A certificate of recognition is included with each flag. Here's an example of what a certificate accompanying the flag might say:

This flag was flown over the United States Capitol for John Smith in
recognition of his retirement from teaching after 40 years of dedicated service.

Because of the large volume of flag requests, my office requires the flag request at least two weeks before the date you wish the flag to be flown. We will also need a check or money order for the total amount before the office can mail the requested flags. My office is not able to accept credit card payments. Please make a check for the total amount made payable to Mike Simpson’s Office Supply Account. All payments for flags must be sent to my Boise office, located at:

802 West Bannock Street, Suite 600
Boise, Idaho 83702

Do not mail the payment to my Washington, D.C. office. Due to security procedures at the United States House of Representatives, delivery of regular mail is often delayed for weeks and your request may not arrive in a timely manner.

All flags are sold at cost and take approximately 4 to 6 weeks for delivery, depending on the availability of inventory. Please use the order form below to specify the flags and certificate information you want.

If you would like to learn more about our flag, the proper way to fly it, instructions for folding the flag, the words for the pledge of allegiance, or how to dispose of unserviceable flags, the American Legion web site has an informative section on the U.S. flag.

If you have any questions regarding flag requests, please contact my Boise office staff at (208) 334-1953.