Press Releases

Babin Introduces the Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety (TAPS) Act

Washington, August 10, 2018

Today, Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) introduced the Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 6664). The TAPS Act goes beyond political rhetoric to provide a national strategy to keep communities safe from targeted violence.

“Whether it’s a shooting, stabbing, bombing, or other example of predatory violence, mass causality events are occurring too often. These horrific tragedies are impacting our nation indiscriminately. Americans want solutions, and I believe we found one,” said Babin.

“Threat assessment and management is the process of identifying, investigating, assessing, and mitigating threats, and has been used successfully to protect our president and other prominent figures for decades. Unfortunately, it’s not well known or utilized on a state and local level. The TAPS Act aims to bridge the gap and train local law enforcement, and others, on how to use this process. This is about connecting the dots before an attack occurs, because once the first shot is fired, it’s too late – we have failed.”

The TAPS Act creates a task force of experts in this field who will assist in the creation of a national strategy to prevent targeted violence through threat assessment and management. This will provide resources, training, and assistance in establishing and operating locally driven threat assessment and management units.

Preventing these tragic events is a matter of national security, and with the TAPS Act, federal, state, and local law enforcement will be able to act quickly and work together to help save lives.

To view the full bill language click here