Press Releases

Babin: Trump Correct to Use American Leverage to Halt Migrant Caravans

Deer Park, October 16, 2018

DEER PARK, TX – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement supporting President Trump’s comments threatening to halt foreign aid to nations assisting Central American migrant caravans to illegally cross our Southern border.

“President Trump is absolutely correct to call for Central American governments to cooperate in halting migrant caravans or else risk losing their generous financial aid from the United States. These nations must secure their own borders and stop allowing – and even encouraging – their citizens to illegally cross our sovereign borders. I applaud President Trump for his boldness in acting to protect the interests of American citizens by using our extensive leverage on the international stage.

“We must not tolerate the abuse of our nation’s laws and asylum system by individuals or foreign governments. Offering a lenience to foreign nationals which we would never extend to our own citizens is an unfair and unsustainable policy that would encourage further illegality and contradict our heritage of law and order. We must keep the interests of the American people first, and all attempts to further erode the system of constitutionality already under attack in our Republic must be fought and defeated.”
