Committee Assignments

Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is proud to represent West Virginia on four critical Senate committees that will tackle the important work of addressing our nation’s energy needs, standing up for members of the military, honoring our veterans and finding commonsense solutions to boost economic prosperity.

Senator Manchin currently serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,  and the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 

Senate Committee on Appropriations

As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Manchin ensures that federal spending is targeted towards priorities that will strengthen our nation and protect, promote, and benefit West Virginians. Through this role, Senator Manchin will continue to drive entrepreneurship and innovation in the Mountain State and across the country. He will work to ensure that federal agencies are making smart investments with taxpayer dollars in the needs of rural communities, ranging from transportation and communications infrastructure to programs that address opioid abuse and grow small businesses in West Virginia. Senator Manchin’s position on the Appropriations Committee allows him to build on his strong advocacy for economic and community development projects that will create good-paying jobs across the country while balancing the need to ensure that every federal dollar delivers results for West Virginia.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Senator Manchin is proud to serve on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he will fight for a commonsense, balanced energy approach that recognizes West Virginia’s critical role in our nation’s energy future and helps us achieve energy independence within a generation. Senator Manchin believes it is imperative that this country develops an energy policy that focuses on security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Every state must do its part to use its resources – whether it’s clean coal and natural gas or wind and solar – to make energy independence a reality. Senator Manchin will always stand up for energy policies that are good for West Virginia jobs, America’s security and our way of life. Senator Manchin will continue to challenge the egregious overreach of the Environmental Protection Agency, and ensure that the EPA is not regulating what has not been legislated.

As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Manchin is the Ranking Chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy. He also serves on the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining and the Subcommittee on Water and Power.

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 

Senator Manchin is proud to serve on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).  The SSCI was first established by the Senate in 1976 and is mandated to oversee and study the intelligence programs of the United States Government.  The Committee must submit to the Senate appropriate proposals for legislation and report to the Senate concerning intelligence activities and programs.  Senator Manchin will provide vigilant legislative oversight to assure that those activities conform to the Constitution and the laws of United States.  The Committee structure is intended to reflect the nonpartisan nature of intelligence and encourage the Committee to work in a bipartisan manner, something that is very important to Senator Manchin.  The Committee, through its staff, tracks the regular collection and analysis activities of the Intelligence Community, enabling the Committee to engage with the Intelligence Community early on to address any issues or concerns.  The Committee’s Audit and Oversight staff conducts longer-term oversight projects.

Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

Senator Manchin recognizes the sacrifices and patriotism of our veterans, and he is committed to ensuring veterans receive the best available care and benefits. As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Senator Manchin is proud to continue that mission and be a strong voice for improving veterans’ services and programs. Senator Manchin believes that we should thank our veterans every day for their unwavering dedication and service to this great country, and he is honored to express his gratitude for their service by serving them on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.