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Feb 26, 2015 | Jared Powell •

During his first six years in office, President Obama vetoed a total of two bills that  reached his desk. But his veto today of the job-creating Keystone XL Pipeline project is a discouraging sign that things are about to change.

By saying no to Keystone, the New York Times reports, “Mr. Obama will be opening the veto era of his presidency.” In addition to Keystone, the President has already issued veto threats on 13 bills in just 49 days.

Nearly all of these bills have garnered bicameral support from both Democrats and Republicans. These bills will save American workers from Obamacare’s harmful 30-hour work week provision;  remove burdensome federal regulations that are hurting small businesses and killing jobs; promote a true all-of-the-above energy strategy; and reform our nation’s broken K-12 education system by restoring local control and empowering students, parents, and education leaders.

In November, the American people elected new leadership in Congress. The President should listen to the American people, put down his veto pen, and work with us to advance positive, pro-growth solutions to create jobs and make people’s lives better.

Vetoes (1):

H.R. 3, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act – a bill to approve construction of the job-creating, shovel-ready Keystone XL Pipeline. (Passed the House 266-153, 28 Democrats voting in favor)

Veto Threats (13):

H.R. 30, the Save American Workers Act of 2015 – repeals the 30-hour definition of full time employee in the Affordable Care Act for purposes of the employer mandate and replaces it with a 40-hour definition for full time employee. (Passed the House 252-172, 12 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 37, the Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Business Burdens Act – includes several measures to make it easier for small businesses to access capital, reduce regulatory burdens, and create new jobs. (Passed the House 271-154, 2 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 185, the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015 – requires federal bureaucrats to adopt the least costly method to effectively implement the law. (Passed the House 250-175, 8 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 240, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015 – provides funding for DHS, secures our homeland and our borders, and stops the President’s unilateral actions to shield 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation. (Passed the House 236-191, 2 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – prohibits abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

H.R. 161, the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act – expedites the federal review process for applications for natural gas pipeline certificates by imposing deadlines on involved agencies. (Passed the House 253-169, 14 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act – prohibits federal funding for abortions. (Passed the House 242-179, 3 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 596, to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and for other purposes – repeals the President’s failed, top-down health care law and charts a new path forward. (Passed the House 239-186)

H.R. 527, the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2015 – requires federal agencies to assess better the impacts of their regulations on small businesses and look for ways to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens. (Passed the House 260-163, 19 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 50, the Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act – sheds light on how federal policies impact the budgets of state and local governments and private sector employers. (Passed the House 250-173, 9 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 636, America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2015 – Permanently extends increased small business expensing levels to provide stability for employers, leading to growth and more good-paying jobs. (Passed the House 272-142, 33 Democrats voting in favor)

H.R. 644, America Gives More Act of 2015  Promotes charitable giving through the tax code and incentivizes restaurants, grocery stores, farmers, and other businesses to contribute their excess inventory to local food banks and non-profits. (Passed the House 233-163, 1 Democrat voting in favor)

H.R. 5, the Student Success Act – repairs the nation’s broken K-12 education system by reducing the federal footprint, restoring local control, and empowering students, parents, and education leaders to hold schools accountable.