1. How do I contact your office?

It is my number one priority to assist constituents of the 8th Distrct. The most effective way to contact my office is through the webform on this website, which can be accessed here. Please use this method to let me know what your opinion on legislation or things happening in Washington, D.C. Also, I have offices in Evansville, Terre Haute, and Vincennes if you need assistance with the Federal Government. You can always call any of my offices and my staff will be happy to help.

Washington, D.C., 202-225-4636; Evansville, 812-465-6484; Terre Haute, 812-232-0523; Vincennes/Toll Free, 855-519-1629

2. How much time do you spend in Indiana?

I spend almost every weekend and district work periods in Indiana. You can find the full Congressional Calendar for the 114th Congress here.

3. If I visit Washington, D.C., will I get a chance to meet you?

Whether you are coming for vacation or business, I make every effort to meet with constituents that visit Washington, D.C. Please call ahead to 202-225-4636 or email my scheduler and let us know you will be in Washington, D.C. I enjoy seeing friends from home and feature constituents I meet in the rotating banner on my homepage.

4. What is it like being a Member of Congress?

Being a Member of Congress is truly an honor. As a citizen legislator, I enjoy representing the people of Indiana's Eighth Congressional District. It is a privilege to travel throughout the district and learn what issues affect Hoosiers and their everyday lives. Although the schedule and constant travel can be demanding, I enjoy meeting with constituents and I am proud to serve my fellow Hoosiers.

5. How will I know your schedule?

There are multiple ways to access my public schedule. On this website, there is a calendar on the home page. You can follow me on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook to view upcoming events in Indiana. My days are much more regimented as a Member of Congress and I often have more than one Committee hearing or markup at the same time.

6. What are some similarities in being a surgeon to being a Congressman?

The biggest similarity is that I still get the opportunity to help people every day. Just as a surgeon, I help diagnose problems and work towards solutions that will improve people’s lives.

7. What type of benefits do you receive as a Congressman?

I receive the same benefits as the other 2.8 million federal employees. I receive my health insurance through an Affordable Care Act exchange like millions of other Americans. Additionally, I must pay Social Security and Medicare taxes like all other wage earners. Members receive retirement benefits through the Federal Employees Retirement System. However, Members are not eligible to receive retirement benefits unless they are a federal employee for 5 years and have reached the age of 62, or have 20 years of service and have reached the age of 50. It is not factual that Members of Congress receive their full salary when they retire.

8. What Committees are you a member of?

I am a member of the Committees on Energy and Commerce where I serve on the Health, Oversight and Investigations, and Environment and Economy Subcommittees.

9. How do I schedule tours to attractions in Washington, D.C.?

You can schedule tours to the Capitol, White House, Library of Congress, and Bureau of Engraving and Printing through my office by clicking here.

10. How do I get to see you voting on the House floor?

The easiest way to watch the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives is on C-SPAN. You can also view video of my floor speeches and other activities here.

11. What are your main legislative priorities?

My top three legislative priorities are providing the environment for job creators to get Americans and Hoosiers back to work, restoring fiscal responsibility to the Federal Government, and enacting true patient-centered healthcare reforms that protect the sacred doctor-patient relationship.

12. How do I get assistance in receiving Federal grant dollars?

I have a page on my website that will assist you in seeking a Federal grant. You can access it here. Please contact my office in Evansville if you need further assistance.

13. How do I order a flag that has been flown over the Capitol?

To order a flag that has been flow over the Capitol, please click here.

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