Langevin Recognized by the Caring Institute for Legacy of Compassion

Oct 30, 2015 Issues: Disabilities

Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle, co-chairs of the Caring Institute, recognized Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today and presented him with a 2015 Caring Award. Today’s ceremony, held in Nashville, Tennessee, marks the Institute’s 30th year of highlighting individuals who exemplify service to those in need.

“This is a tremendous honor, and I am truly humbled to count myself among such a distinguished group of Caring Award recipients this year and in years past,” said Langevin. “In my humble estimation, caring is an overt act of empathy. It is not just an innate ability, but a conscious decision to understand the experiences, challenges and needs of others and then actively place them ahead of one’s own.”

“Our ability to demonstrate caring and compassion for others is one of the strongest tools we have at our disposal,” he continued. “It empowers us to fulfill our greatest potential and it challenges others to fulfill their own. I strive to live this way as a person and as a legislator, and I will continue to work hard to embody the principles of the Caring Awards.”

In announcing this year’s award winners, the Caring Institute noted that Langevin was selected for representing the “victory of the human spirit” and his “passion to serve others.” They describe him as a champion of the environment, medical research and cybersecurity and, in particular, a tireless advocate for the aged, infirm, disabled and dying.

“Lauded for his leadership and ability to get things done, Langevin’s secret is his reputation for being the most caring member of Congress,” they write.

Langevin was inducted into the Caring Hall of Fame along with His Holiness Pope Francis; Dikembe Mutombo, a former NBA star and head of the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation; Gloria Lewis, founder of CARE IN ACTION USA; Noah Levinson, founder of Calcutta Kids; and Jorge Muñoz, known as the “Angel in Queens” responsible for providing nearly 100,000 meals to the homeless in New York. Five young adults, ages 14 to 17, were also recognized: Michael Bervell of Hugs for Ghana, Lulu Cerone of LemonAID Warriors, Haile Thomas of the HAPPY Organization, Emilee Hamilton of Utah YOUth Connect, and Lillian Pravda of Vision For and From Children.

“We are honored to celebrate these extraordinary people who have used their lives for the benefit of others,” said Senator Dole.

“These persons honor us by the quality of their lives, so it is highly appropriate that we honor them and hold them up as role models to be emulated by all,” said Senator Daschle.

About the Caring Institute

The Caring Institute’s mission is to promote the values of caring, integrity, and public service. It was founded in 1985 by Val J. Halamandaris after a meeting with Mother Teresa, who told him there was a poverty of the spirit in the developed world that was much worse than the poverty of the body seen in the developing world. When she directed him to do something about it, he founded an awards program that identifies those who give back to society in outstanding ways and holds them up as role models for all. The Caring Institute is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible by law.