Rep. Jamie RaskinVerified account


Proudly serving MD's 8th District. Senior Whip, Judiciary Vice Ranking Member.

Maryland's 8th District
Joined December 2016


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Dec 22

    The gov’t shutdown is a deliberate act of shocking irresponsibility & petulance by President Trump & his willing accomplices in the Republican leadership in Congress. It will go down as another monumental & appalling policy failure of the Trump Administration. My statement:

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  2. Saluting Chief Tom Manger, 2018 Washingtonian of the Year! Thrilled that you are receiving recognition for everything you do to keep us safe and for always keeping a wonderful sense of humor as you lead.

  3. Dec 22
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  4. Retweeted
    Dec 21

    Trump's shutdown is as stupid and pointless as the wall he is petulantly demanding. Federal workers should know that I am working with my capital region colleagues to stop the shutdown, and to make sure you get your paychecks. Happy holidays, and I'm sorry this has happened.

  5. Retweeted
    Dec 22

    Just in time for the holidays, the president has orchestrated a that will strip certainty & peace of mind from the American families, businesses, and communities that need it most.

  6. Dec 21

    With the absurd looming, I’m cosponsoring legislation guaranteeing back pay to all federal workers, who we depend upon to make the government work.

  7. Retweeted
    Dec 21

    If the President gets his way and the government shuts down, 380,000+ federal employees will be furloughed and 420,000+ more will be working without pay over the holidays. Merry Christmas.

  8. Dec 21

    Robert Frost wrote: “Something there is that doesn’t love a Wall.” And everybody but Ann Coulter and Donald Trump hates a shutdown.

  9. Dec 21

    Trump’s $5.7 billion fantasy border wall faces bipartisan opposition from Democrats & many Republicans and thousands of TX landowners who will tie it up in knots for years in eminent domain hearings. Let’s stop the and all this foolishness.

  10. Dec 21

    Exciting news! on the Hill has moved offices but we haven’t gone far—with the help of some pros, we just carried our stuff from 431 to 412 Cannon. Can’t wait to welcome constituents to our new office suite at our Open House in Jan. Stay tuned—more news soon!

  11. Dec 20

    Today I was excited to vote for final passage of the bill I sponsored with Congressman Scott Taylor (R-VA), the Ashanti Alert Act. This is real progress in public safety.

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 20

    Polls generally indicate that 70-80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

  13. Dec 20

    Psyched to find myself on the Baltimore Sun’s Winners List for 2018! Once we reopen the government, the Democratic majority will have the chance to make it work for the people.

  14. Dec 20

    The only consolation is that America will be able to see in vivid terms this unforgettable scene: the GOP shuts down a functioning government, and the Democrats open it up and make it work.

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  15. Dec 20

    I just voted again against Donald Trump’s fantasy wall. GOP leaders apparently convinced him not to shut down the gov’t but then he watched Fox News & could not take the heat from Ann Coulter et al. so now wants to close it down. What a scandalous insult to democracy & reason.

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  16. Dec 20

    I questioned DHS Secretary Nielsen about the slow & hostile processing of Afghan Special Immigrant Visas for interpreters & translators who aided our troops. What explains the dramatic drop in visas for ppl who act to help U.S. forces in Afghanistan? We cannot cast them aside.

  17. Dec 20

    No, Congressman Meadows, the 88,000 federal workers who live in my District signed up to work and serve the public—not to shut the government down. You and President Trump will have to speak for yourselves.

  18. Dec 20
  19. Dec 20

    Great news: Maryland just won a $2 million federal grant from the FTA to help make preparations for the Purple Line! I was proud to lead a letter in support of this funding w/ , , , , & back in September.

  20. Dec 20

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