Revenue Estimating Methodology

The Joint Committee Staff is responsible for providing the U.S. Congress with the budgetary effects of all tax legislation. The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 stipulates that revenue estimates provided by the Joint Committee Staff will be the official estimates for all tax legislation considered by the Congress. In order to fulfill its objective of providing budgetary effects of revenue legislation, the Joint Committee Staff employs Ph.D. economists, attorneys, and accountants (see about us page). The objective of the estimating process is to produce accurate, consistent, fair, and impartial estimates that can be relied upon by Members of Congress in making legislative decisions.

Over time, the Joint Committee Staff has published documents that discuss in detail the methodologies, data, and procedures that are used to produce revenue estimates. These pamphlets are listed below.

JCX-8-18 (March 27, 2018)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2018-2028
JCX-5-17 (February 09, 2017)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2017 - 2027
Revenue Estimating Process (January 23, 2017)
Overview of the Joint Committee Revenue Estimating Process
JCX-2-17 (January 23, 2017)
Estimating Changes in the Federal Individual Income Tax: Exploring the Elasticity of Taxable Income
JCX-90-16 (November 29, 2016)
Factors Affecting Revenue Estimates Of Tax Compliance Proposals: A Joint Working Paper Of The Congressional Budget Office And The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation
JCX-89-16 (November 28, 2016)
The Income And Payroll Tax Offset To Changes In Payroll Tax Revenues
JCX-7-16 (February 18, 2016)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2016-2026
JCX-75-15 (April 24, 2015)
Estimating Changes In The Federal Individual Income Tax: Description Of The Individual Tax Model
JCX-36-15 (February 09, 2015)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2015-2025
JCX-8-14 (February 12, 2014)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2014-2024
JCX-14-13 (October 16, 2013)
Modeling The Distribution Of Taxes On Business Income
JCX-5-13 (February 15, 2013)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2013-2023
JCX-76-12 (November 09, 2012)
Modeling The Federal Revenue Effects Of Changes In Estate And Gift Taxation
JCX-60-12 (July 16, 2012)
The Federal Revenue Effects Of Tax-Exempt And Direct-Pay Tax Credit Bond Provisions
JCX-56-12 (June 15, 2012)
New Evidence On The Tax Elasticity Of Capital Gains: A Joint Working Paper Of The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation And The Congressional Budget Office
JCX-23-12 (March 06, 2012)
New Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2012-2022
JCX-15-12 (February 08, 2012)
Overview Of The Definition Of Income Used By The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation In Distributional Analyses
JCX-59-11 (December 23, 2011)
The Income And Payroll Tax Offset To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues
JCX-48-11 (September 21, 2011)
Testimony Of The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation Before The House Committee On Ways And Means Regarding Economic Modeling
JCX-46-11 (September 19, 2011)
Summary Of Economic Models And Estimating Practices Of The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation
JCX-101-07 (October 19, 2007)
Modeling the Federal Revenue Effects of Proposed Changes in Cigarette Excise Taxes.
JCX-17-07 (March 20, 2007)
Estimating The Revenue Effects Of The Administration's Fiscal Year 2008 Proposal Providing A Standard Deduction For Health Insu...
JCX-1-05 (February 02, 2005)
Overview Of Revenue Estimating Procedures And Methodologies Used By The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation
JCX-36-02 (May 06, 2002)
Written Testimony Of The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation At A Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Oversight Of The House Committee On Ways And ...
JCX-2-95 (January 23, 1995)
Methodology And Issues In The Revenue Estimating Process Scheduled for a Hearing Before the Senate Committee on Finance on January 24, 1995
JCX-1-95 (January 09, 1995)
Written Testimony Of The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation Regarding The Revenue Estimating Process for the Joint Hearing of the House and S...
JCS-7-93 (June 14, 1993)
Methodology And Issues In Measuring Changes In The Distribution Of Tax Burdens
JCS-14-92 (August 13, 1992)
Discussion Of Revenue Estimation Methodology And Process
JCS-12-90 (March 27, 1990)
Explanation Of Methodology Used To Estimate Proposals Affecting The Taxation Of Income From Capital Gains
JCX-3-89 (March 14, 1989)
Statement of Ronald A. Pearlman Chief of Staff Joint Committee on Taxation Before the Senate Committee on Finance


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