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House Approves Fiscal Year 2019 Defense Bill

Legislation will provide robust funding to ensure U.S. Armed Forces are fully ready and equipped to meet current threats, and to prepare for any future military needs

Washington, June 28, 2018

The U.S. House of Representatives today approved the fiscal year 2019 Defense Appropriations bill. The legislation funds the Department of Defense – including operations, readiness, equipment modernization, and health and quality-of-life programs for our troops and military families.

The legislation provides a total of $674.6 billion for the Department of Defense. This includes $606.5 billion in base discretionary funding – an increase of $17.1 billion above the fiscal year 2018 enacted level. The bill also provides $68.1 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)/Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) funding. This funding level is consistent with the National Defense Authorization Act which was approved by the House last month, as well as the recently enacted budget agreement. The legislation also includes a 2.6% pay raise for the military, the largest in nine years.

“With the changing global dynamics and ever-growing threats, it is absolutely imperative that our military is properly trained, equipped, and fully supported. It is also critically important to provide our men and women in uniform with the funding and resources they need to execute their missions, assist and protect our allies around the world, provide for their families, and ensure the current and future security of our nation,” Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen said. “This legislation does all of this by including robust funding for our troops, the defense programs and activities necessary to accomplish our national goals and ideals, and to continue to rebuild our military.”

For bill highlights, please visit:

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For a list of floor amendments to the bill, please visit:





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