
Our Fellow Americans in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Need Our Help!

It's inhumane that our fellow Americans devastated by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) continue to be ignored. Three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico are without food, access to clean water or stable living conditions. AndThe New York Times reported it could be four to six months before power is restored on the island.  

We can't go another day without taking action to make sure the people of Puerto Rico and USVI know help is on its way. We need the Trump administration to provide immediate assistance and Congress to pass a robust relief package that provides swift and immediate relief for everyone affected by this horrible disaster. 

It's unacceptable that our government hasn't acted on this urgent matter. We need to keep this at the forefront of our focus until every person living on our U.S. territories is safe.

STAY WOKE! The SHARE Act – the NRA-backed bill that would make it easier for people to purchase gun silencers and make it harder to regulate armor-piercing bullets – could be brought to the House Floor for a vote as early as next week. The bill passed Committee earlier this month. Not a single Democrat voted for the bill.


Tuesday, September 26
Wednesday, September 27
  • Oversight and Investigations: Oversight hearing on "Exploring Solutions to Reduce Risks of Catastrophic Wildfire and Improve the Resiliency of National Forests" at 3 p.m. in Longworth 1324.