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Press Releases

Flores Statement on Russia

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WASHINGTON, D.C., July 16, 2018 | Andre Castro (202-225-6105) | comments

U.S. Representative Bill Flores (R-Texas) issued the following statement:

“I have personally reviewed the reports of our intelligence agencies' work regarding Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. I have also reviewed the report issued by the House Intelligence Committee on this subject.  I trust the hard work of these groups, which have proven that Russia did in fact meddle in our 2016 elections. Even though the actions of the Russians did not affect the outcome of our election, there is no doubt that they did interfere in our election processes. The president should understand that Russia cannot be trusted and that it must be held accountable for its attempted election disruptions against our nation and against our allies.”



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I applaud President Trump for signing the First Step Act into law. This bipartisan bill creates a more efficient federal criminal justice system, similar to reforms made at the state level in Texas. These reforms strengthen public safety and save taxpayer dollars, while offering certain eligible non-violent offenders an earned opportunity for redemption.

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