Working Hard to Rebuild our National Security, Improve Economic Opportunity & Protect our Constitutional Liberties

Press Releases

Flores Discusses This Week in Washington

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WASHINGTON, D.C. , September 28, 2018 | Andre Castro (202-225-6105) | comments

U.S. Representative Bill Flores (R-Texas) issued the following statements regarding House passage of Tax Reform 2.0; H.R. 6157, the Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act; H.R. 302, the FAA Reauthorization Act; and H.Res. 1071:  

Tax Reform 2.0
“The Tax Reform 2.0 legislative package builds upon the successes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act so that we can continue to deliver more jobs, bigger paychecks and fairer taxes to hardworking American families.

“The Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act makes the current individual and small business tax cuts permanent. This will ensure that future generations will permanently benefit from lower tax rates and a doubled Child Tax Credit. It also ensures that small businesses will permanently benefit from a tax code that facilitates the growth and investment in our communities while bolstering our economy.

“The Family Savings Act encourages businesses to provide retirement plans to their employees and includes reforms that make it easier for employees to participate in these retirement plans. We also make improvements so that families can save more for their future with a variety of savings accounts and expanded education savings. Giving families the tools they need to save for the future brings them enhanced financial security and prepares them for big life events like retirement, education costs and emergency spending needs.

“Innovative start-up businesses are vital contributors to our nation’s economic growth. The American Innovation Act creates a climate for start-up businesses to grow by lessening the tax burden on initial costs and improving access to capital. This important update to our tax code allows new businesses to flourish and existing businesses to grow, ultimately resulting in more jobs and greater economic opportunity for all.

“The Senate must pass Tax Reform 2.0 so that our tax code will remain globally competitive, spur economic growth and improve the lives of hardworking American families.”

“The Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act provides critical resources so that our military can continue to provide for our nation’s common defense. The bill also provides the resources necessary to fight diseases, continue critical medical research and promote the health, safety and education of our nation.

“This bill fully funds our national defense and improves military readiness by providing for research and development funding for modern defense systems and technologies. It gives our troops a well-deserved pay raise; the largest they have seen in nine years. It also provides key funding to help veterans transition back into the workforce and provide them with opportunities to lead successful lives.

“We are providing historic levels of funding to fight the opioid epidemic and increasing funding for grants that support school safety activities, including student mental health services and bullying prevention. The bill also increases funding for the National Institutes of Health, which supports the work being done at the major research and educational institutions that have footprints in the 17th Congressional District – Texas A&M University, Baylor University, and The University of Texas at Austin. It also increases funding for career and technical education programs and the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), which a Waco community partnership uses to prepare at-risk students academically and socially for college. Additionally, the bill increases funding for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), which has a center housed at Texas A&M University to develop defenses against infectious diseases and other biological threats. It is also important to note that this funding bill maintains all existing pro-life wins, including prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortion.”

FAA Reauthorization
“The FAA Reauthorization Act invests in our nation’s airports, improves U.S. aviation competitiveness globally, strengthens protections for passengers and ensures safety throughout the aviation system. This bipartisan bill is a key component to improving America’s infrastructure to meet the needs of the 21st century.”

H.Res. 1071
“Localities allowing non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in elections dilute the voice of American citizens, particularly new citizens that have gone through the lawful naturalization process. This week, the House took a bipartisan stand in support of our Constitutional principles that preserve the voice of American citizens at the ballot box.” 



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I applaud President Trump for signing the First Step Act into law. This bipartisan bill creates a more efficient federal criminal justice system, similar to reforms made at the state level in Texas. These reforms strengthen public safety and save taxpayer dollars, while offering certain eligible non-violent offenders an earned opportunity for redemption.

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