Americans are 25 times more likely to be killed by a gun than residents in any other developed nation. No single policy is going to stop every shooting – but there are clearly ways to prevent gun violence that can save lives.

As a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, I share the deep disappointment of many of my constituents that common-sense gun safety legislation has failed to pass Congress.

Congress must improve our nation’s gun safety laws. I support strengthening background checks on gun purchases, reinstating the assault weapons ban, and prohibiting high-capacity magazines, as well as so-called ‘bump stocks.’ We also need better mental health laws to ensure that people with a severe mental illness and criminals do not have easy access to deadly weapons. That is why I also support legislation to allow family members to seek a court order to prevent a loved one from purchasing firearms, if the court finds the individual poses a risk of injury to themselves or others.

  • March 2018
  • VC Star Gun Image

    Why Won’t Congress Act on Gun Legislation?

    Jan, Larry, and Veronika. I carry their memories with me everyday, alongside those of the countless other victims of senseless gun violence who are being slaughtered across the country — day after day, week after week, year after year.

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  • December 2017
  • October 2017
  • A Way To End the Gridlock in Washington

    In the current political environment, it often feels like there is more that divides us than unites. In reality, there is broad, bipartisan agreement among Americans on many important issues facing our nation. We just see no action on them in Congress.

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  • October 2016
  • Julia Brownley deserves new term in Congress

    By Editorial Board Originally Appeared in The Ventura County Star It’s not easy these days trying to get anything done if you’re a Democrat in the fractious, Republican-controlled House of Representatives, especially if your eyes are set on major national issues and broad reforms. But the representative’s job can be much more than that — […]

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  • July 2016
  • Why I Joined the House Sit-In

    There seems to be a script. Each incidence of gun violence is followed by outrage, heartbreak, a moment of silence, a muddying of the waters by cable show pundits and then … nothing. Whether motivated by hate, a result of mental illness, driven by extremism, racism, or as a domestic dispute — the why varies but the response remains the same.

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  • June 2016
  • California Democrats join House sit-in

    WASHINGTON — House Democrats, including at least nine from California, staged an ongoing sit-in in the House Chamber Wednesday to demand that Speaker Paul Ryan permit a vote on gun safety legislation. They vowed not to allow a scheduled House break for Independence Day and to occupy the floor until the vote is allowed. “No bill, no break,” they […]

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