Health Care

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On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law to give Americans more security by holding insurance companies accountable, bringing down costs across the health care system, and provide families access to quality, affordable health insurance.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor serves as vice ranking member of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee. As a member of the Health Subcommittee, she helped craft the Affordable Care Act to ensure it works for Florida families.

Florida families and individuals have benefited from a broad range of new health insurance options and lower-than-expected rates. The 2019 Open Enrollment Period runs from Thursday, November 1, 2018 to Saturday, December 15, 2018.

Prior to individual enrollment in the marketplace, many neighbors had already benefited from the Affordable Care Act -- young adults have health insurance because they have been able to remain on their parent's policies until age 26, small businesses offering health insurance to their employees are eligible for tax credits, seniors are paying less for prescription drugs as the "donut hole" closes, children no longer face discrimination due to pre-existing conditions and residents have received millions of dollars in rebates from insurance companies because of important consumer protection provisions in the law that require a larger portion of premiums go towards health care costs.

Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:
The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. If you live in Florida, this is the site to apply for coverage, compare plans and enroll.

Cuidado de Salud
Sitio de web en Español para el mercado de seguros médicos

University of South Florida Health Insurance Navigator Program
Assistance through USF if you have questions or are ready to sign up for quality, affordable health insurance coverage in the federal Marketplace.

Congressional Children's Health Care Caucus

With the assistance of the National Association of Children’s Hospitals, Rep. Kathy Castor and Rep. Dave Reichert of Washington founded the bipartisan caucus dedicated to building support for ideas that improve the quality of care for children and their access to the quality care.

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