Issues Home

  • Job Creation & Economic Growth

    After suffering through years of high unemployment and stagnant wages, hard-working Americans finally saw the economy start booming in 2017. By cutting unnecessary red tape, reforming the tax code and creating a business-friendly environment in Amer...

  • Financial Services

    As chairman of the House Appropriations Committee’s Financial Services Subcommittee, I’m working with the Trump administration to slash harmful regulations, streamline outdated agency processes, and free families and businesses to achieve their dream...

  • Cutting Spending & Balancing the Budget

    Washington’s “spend-first” philosophy has led to today’s staggering national debt of more than $20 trillion – and counting. I’m working with other conservatives in Congress to cut and reform spending, and pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S....

  • Healthcare

    We need real health care reform that puts patients first and expands choice, not Obamacare’s top-down mandates that have resulted in higher premiums, limited choice and the cancellation of millions of health care plans. By repealing Obamacare in its...

  • Strong National Defense & Veterans’ Care

    The most fundamental role of the federal government is to provide for our common defense. To effectively protect our nation from threats, we must have the strongest, most advanced military in the world. This means that the brave men and women of our...

  • Supporting Israel

    Israel is one of our closest and most important allies. Our nations share a special bond, which I will always fight to enhance and safeguard. Accordingly, I introduced legislation recognizing the 100th anniversary of the founding of the state of Isra...

  • Border Security

    With ever-expanding threats posing serious risks to our nation’s security, economy and communities, it’s more important than ever that we secure our borders. I’m advocating for solutions that focus on border security and ensure our immigration laws ...

  • Improving Cybersecurity

    Americans who take precautions, such as installing updates, purchasing anti-virus software and using strong passwords, are still falling victim to cyberattacks. Companies continue to suffer major breaches of their often sophisticated cyber defenses. ...

  • Pro-Growth Tax Reform

    I was proud to support the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Trump signed into law on December 22, 2017. It was the first overhaul of our nation’s tax code in more than 30 years, and a huge win for hard-working American families, who were burden...

  • Second Amendment

    As a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights, I will always back legislation that upholds each American’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I will also oppose any legislation that erodes the Second Amendment rights of law abiding gun o...