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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

Federal Employee Bonus Disclosure Act

Read the Full Bill Here




Background / Problem


  • The federal government doled out $1.5 billion in bonuses last year (FY2016) but disclosed just $351 million to the American taxpayers footing the bill. What's missing? Approximately $1.1 billion in performance bonuses are withheld from disclosure due to anti-transparency language inserted into government union contracts. For example, the largest disclosed bonus didn't go to a rocket scientist or a doctor researching the cure to cancer. Instead, it went to the human resources (HR) manager at a small land management agency in San Francisco, California, called Presidio Trust, for $141,525.



  • This is ultimately our money, and we deserve to see the details of who's receiving what, where, when, and after how long. After all, we can't audit what we can't see.  This bill will ultimately provide further transparency and help prevent financial waste.


  • This legislation would make all federal government employee bonuses available as public information, and would require reports to Congress on any performance based bonuses over $10,000.  


For more information or to sign on as a cosponsor contact Paige Agostin at: or (202) 225-3176