Congress Profiles

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16th Congress (1819–1821)

Congressional Profile

Total Membership:

  • 186 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates

Party Divisions:*

  • 26 Federalists
  • 160 Jeffersonian Republicans

*Party division totals are based on election day results.

House Chamber Seating Chart/tiles/non-collection/H/HouseChamberSeatingChart_2012_052_002ab.xml Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object
An 1820 seating chart from The Analectic Magazine provides a map to the House Chamber filled with Constantine Desks.

Congress Overview

Missouri statehood continued to monopolize the energies of the 16th Congress (1819–1821). The first session hammered out the Missouri Compromise that admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and codified Missouri’s southern boundary as the designating line between free and slave territories. In the second session, Henry Clay of Kentucky put the final touches on the Missouri Compromise after he convinced the territory’s officials to remove an offending clause in Missouri’s constitution which would have excluded all African Americans—whether slave or free—from residing in the state.

Member Information

  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, (1774–2005), Official Annotated Membership Roster by State with Vacancy and Special Election Information for the 16th Congress. [PDF]
  • Learn more about the House of Representatives with an interactive map

Learn more about the People of the People's House

Leadership & Officers

Speaker of the House:
Henry Clay (D–Kentucky) 1
John W. Taylor (D–New York)
Clerk of the House:
Thomas Dougherty
Sergeant at Arms:
Thomas Dunn
Chaplain of the House:
Burgess Allison – Baptist
John Nicholson Campbell – Presbyterian
Thomas Claxton

To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, visit the People section


1Resigned on October 28, 1820.