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Congressman Diane Black

Representing the 6th District of Tennessee




Defunding Planned Parenthood

"I will not rest until we put a stop to Planned Parenthood’s blatant abuse of taxpayer dollars to subsidize its big abortion business."
Defense and National Security

Defense and National Security

I am fully committed to ensuring that our military personnel receive the best equipment, training and support we can give them.
Economy and Jobs

Economy and Jobs

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector does. We can help by getting government off their backs.


Stop the federal government from forcing states into Common Core. Protect local control over education, and encourage school choice.


We need an all-of-the-above approach to energy, which includes more American produced oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear power, along with alternative sources that show a return on our investment.


As a nurse for more than 40 years, healthcare is my passion. I know that Obamacare is NOT the prescription for our health care challenges. There is a better way.


I'm working to secure the border, defund sanctuary cities, and stop amnesty for illegal immigrants.


I am relentless in my passionate defense of the rights of the unborn.
Spending Cuts and Debt

Spending Cuts and Debt

I am committed to ending the borrow and spend cycle that has gone on for too long in Washington.
Rep. Black signs the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" Conference Report

Tax Reform

Our goal was to create a fairer, flatter and simpler tax code that allows Americans to spend more of their money how they choose – and we did just that.


As the mother, wife, and daughter of US veterans - the care of our nation's servicemembers is personal to me.
2nd Amendment Issues

2nd Amendment Issues

I believe our 2nd Amendment rights are fundamental and must be protected.