Find out what Johnny thinks about some of the important issues facing our nation.
  • Agriculture

    Agriculture is the leading industry in Georgia’s vibrant economy. From peaches to poultry and from cotton to timber, Georgia is home to a larger variety of agricultural industries than almost ...
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  • Economy

    As a businessman, a taxpayer and a grandfather, keeping America’s and Georgia’s economy strong is one of my top priorities. I remain committed each day to doing all I can to keep our econ...
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  • Education

    Education has always been my passion because I believe a quality education – whether public, private or home school – is the key to a better quality of life, lower unemployment, keeping fo...
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  • Energy

    It is in the geopolitical and environmental interests of the United States to reduce our dependence on imported foreign oil from unstable areas of the world. The United States must develop a balanced ...
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  • Environment

    From Georgia’s Appalachian Mountains to her ‘Golden Isles’ and the rivers, forests and farmland in between, our state is blessed with many vital natural resources. I am committed to ...
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  • Federal Spending

    The American people have sent a clear message that they will no longer tolerate the federal spending spree in Washington. It is time we demanded from our government the same thing every American has h...
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  • Health Care

    As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, as well as a former small business owner, I recognize the frustrations many Americans have with the current cost and deliver...
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  • Immigration

    I have always drawn a clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration, those people who come to our country legally should be welcomed. At the same time, the defense of our nation begins with ...
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  • Employment and the Workplace

    As a businessman who has employed hundreds of workers over more than 30 years, I have always worked to ensure full and fair enforcement of the laws designed to protect American workers. At the same ti...
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  • National Security

    I am proud to support Georgia's exemplary military installations, which play a critical role in keeping America safe at home and abroad. The September 11th terrorist attacks against the United States ...
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  • Second Amendment

    I firmly believe that we do not need more gun control in America; rather we need more criminal control. Therefore, I support instant background checks on the purchase of all guns to prevent convicted ...
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  • Social Values

    Our social morals and values define us as human beings and as a nation. As a life-long Methodist, the grandson of Swedish immigrants, a father, a grandfather and a Sunday School teacher of 30 years, I...
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  • Taxes

    The federal tax code is a source of anxiety and frustration for Americans and imposes a significant compliance burden for taxpayers who spend countless hours preparing and completing tax returns annua...
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  • Transportation

    As a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the former senior Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee’s Subcommittee on Transportation and Infr...
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  • Veterans

    As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, one of my top priorities is to make sure America takes care of the veterans who have dedicated their lives to serving our country. Veterans fo...
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  • Water

    Johnny is working every day with fellow members of the Georgia delegation to address the water crisis facing the state of Georgia, and he is very grateful for the sacrifices that millions of Georgians...
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