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At a time when Americans are facing economic uncertainty, the last thing our country needs is additional taxes, spending and regulation. It has been almost 10 years since the start of the Great Recession, but many families are still on the road to recovery.

It’s true that Michigan has made a drastic resurgence under the leadership of Governor Rick Snyder. In a recent county-by-county breakdown, the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives found Livingston County now holds the lowest unemployment rate in the state at 3 percent, as of October 2017. Livingston’s model of low taxes and efficient government is what I’m fighting for in Washington – so we can spread this kind of success across our district, state and country.

But the fact remains: our work is not done. Many Americans continue to find it difficult to make ends meet. Graduates are struggling to pay off their burdensome student loans. Families are seeing the cost of their medical care skyrocket as a result of President Obama's flawed health care law.

What seems to be the heaviest burden on job creation is America's tax code, which is a convoluted and broken mess. Since 1986, the tax code has grown more than 70,000 pages, and in the last decade alone more than 4,400 changes have been made to the code.

As a member of the House Committee on Ways and Means, I am working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make the tax code simpler and fairer for both families and employers, and to end the cycle of short-term extensions of certain tax code provisions. I believe simplifying and lowering tax rates will strengthen the economy by creating more jobs and bigger paychecks for hardworking taxpayers.

It is imperative that Congress advances open, bottom-up solutions to build a healthy economy. We must grow an economy that harbors opportunity. Tomorrow’s good-paying jobs will come from the freedom to innovate from the ground up – from our local communities, not Washington.
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