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Congress achieved a number of impressive accomplishments over the last year, including historic tax cuts and an unprecedented effort to end unnecessary and burdensome regulations. Our efforts have helped create more jobs, spurred the economy after years of slow growth and improved the lives of folks across the country. In addition to confirming Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, the Senate has been able to reshape the judiciary to focus on the rule of law by confirming 22 of President Trump’s judicial picks. There are still many challenges at home and abroad that we will need to work on together in order to solve. There are great opportunities that await us if we believe in our country’s enormous potential. I look forward to continuing to work for Wyoming and the American people.

What's new?

Enzi concerned Wyo ag community, small businesses could be hurt by DOT rule

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., sent a letter recently to Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Elaine Chao expressing his concerns about how the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) rule could negatively impact small businesses and the livestock industry in Wyoming.

In the letter, Enzi noted that Wyoming, as a rural state whose businesses depend on transporting their goods and commodities long distances without major delays, could be disproportionately impacted by the new regulations.

Enzi asked the secretary to keep Wyoming’s unique situation in mind when issuing waivers from the rule and to work with small operators who may struggle with implementing it.

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Enzi voted to fund the government and cosponsored a bill to prevent future shutdowns

Enzi voted to avoid a government shutdown and fund a critical health insurance program for low-income children, but the bill failed to advance. "While short-term funding bills are not ideal, at this time it is certainly better than the alternative, which could mean limiting services for military families, veterans and countless other Americans," Enzi said.  Read more here

Enzi also cosponsored the End Government Shutdowns Act, which would permanently prevent the federal government from shutting down, ensuring that essential government services are not disrupted and protecting taxpayers who must bear the resulting cost. 

Senators introduce bill to promote onshore energy development

U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R-Wyo., along with Enzi, Sens. John Hoeven, R-N.D., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, introduced the Opportunities for the Nation and States to Harness Onshore Resources for Energy (ONSHORE Act)

Permitting delays and duplicative regulations discourage oil and gas development on federal land and deprive states and local communities of much-needed jobs and revenues. The ONSHORE Act empowers states with the authority to manage oil and gas permitting and regulatory responsibilities on federal land within their borders. 

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Enzi says tax reform helps support small businesses

Every day, thousands of small businesses in Wyoming work to provide important goods and services that Wyoming residents rely on and enjoy. This, in turn, supports our communities by creating jobs and boosting our local economy. These businesses are the cornerstone of our country’s economic growth and deserve a government that works just as hard to protect their interests. That’s why the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act recently signed into law helps support small businesses by lowering their tax burden and simplifying the tax code. Read more here

Enzi says proposed rule could provide more health care options for employees of small businesses

The Department of Labor proposed a rule that would allow small businesses to join together to create Small Business Health Plans.

Enzi said the rule could lead to more people being able to get health insurance at a price they can afford. It is similar to legislation he introduced last year. Learn more

Later in the month, Enzi held a roundtable in the Senate to discuss the real world implications of the proposed rule. The panel included Casper resident Brad Johnson, the owner of Covenant Insurance Group.