Town Hall Meetings

Town Hall Meetings

Click here to complete our sign up form to receive an "opt-in" phone call at the start of the meeting.

To ensure that Georgians’ voices are heard and reflected in the operation of our office, U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson periodically holds town hall meetings for Georgia residents via telephone, and we invite the general public to participate. The system we use to conduct these calls requires that we call our constituents as opposed to you calling us. Please use our newsletter/town hall sign up form if you would like to participate in the next call. You can also contact our offices at 770-661-0999 or 202-224-3643 if you would like to sign up to participate.

Listen to Johnny's September 4, 2018 telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format | Vekeo Stream (outside Senate network)

Listen to Johnny’s June 11, 2018, telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format | Vekeo Stream (outside Senate network)

Listen to Johnny’s April 16, 2018, telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format | Vekeo Stream (outside Senate network)

Listen to Johnny’s July 11, 2017, telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format

Listen to Johnny’s March 9, 2017, telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format

Listen to Johnny’s March 2, 2017, telephone town hall meeting: mp3 format | wav format

State Constituent Outreach

Staff from our office often hold special constituent outreach hours to be available in person around the state to assist constituents in interacting with federal agencies and for those seeking to express their views or concerns to Senator Isakson while he is working in Washington.

Any upcoming opportunities to meet with these staff members about any issues concerning the federal government, federal legislation or federal agencies, such as Veterans Affairs, the IRS, Medicare, or the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services will be listed below as they are scheduled.


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