Fighting against federal mandates and regulations – which burden businesses and consumers alike with higher costs – is a top priority of mine, especially in my role as the lead Republican on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The biggest of the big, wet blanket of regulations over our economy is President Obama’s health care law. It was an historic mistake Congress should repeal in favor of step-by-step measures to reduce health care costs.

December 2018

Date Title
12/11/18 Alexander, Bennet Bill to Help Prevent Premature Births to Become Law

October 2018

Date Title
10/24/18 President Trump Signs Alexander Bill to Fight Opioid Crisis

January 2018

Date Title
1/9/18 Alexander: Washington, D.C. Can Help, But Solution to Opioid Crisis is Strong Community

December 2017

Date Title
12/20/17 Alexander, Collins Statement on Bills to Lower Health Insurance Premiums
12/13/17 Alexander: Early Intervention in Mental Health is Critical
12/12/17 Alexander: Health Committee Explores Practical Solutions to Make Biomedical Miracles More Affordable
12/7/17 Alexander Holds Hearing to Ensure Patients Benefit from 21st Century Cures Law

November 2017

Date Title
11/29/17 Alexander to Azar: Your Broad Experience is an Obvious Asset in Leading HHS
11/28/17 Hospitals, Doctors, Patients Support HHS Secretary Nominee Alex Azar—“Uniquely Qualified,” “Steady Hand,” “Tested Leader,” “Superior Credentials”
11/15/17 Alexander: Surgeon General Focus on Wellness Could Have Real Impact on Lives of Millions of Americans
11/15/17 Opening Statement: Alexander: Surgeon General Focus on Wellness Could Have Real Impact on Lives of Millions of Americans
11/14/17 Alexander: Gene Editing Technology, When Used Properly, Has the Potential to Transform Human Health

October 2017

Date Title
10/31/17 Opening Statement: Alexander: Getting Electronic Health Records “Out of the Ditch” is Critical to the Future of Medical Innovation
10/25/17 CBO: Alexander-Murray Will Provide Savings; Benefit Taxpayers and Low-Income Americans, Not Insurance Companies
10/25/17 Alexander: CBO Says Alexander-Murray Bill Will Put Rebates in Americans’ Wallets, Will Not Bailout Insurance Companies