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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

Blog Posts

Oct 26, 2018 Blog Post

Under the category of more circling back and catching up on past votes, I wanted to circle back to one vote that I missed when I stayed home in anticipation of what then looked to be a monster storm hitting our district. As it turned out, Hurricane Florence never materialized, and I went back up for votes.

Oct 23, 2018 Blog Post

Last month, the House passed two bills by overwhelming margins. I voted no on both bills because they would advantage some small businesses over others. My belief has always been that government shouldn’t pick winners and losers in the commercial marketplace.

Oct 15, 2018 Blog Post

CHARLESTON, SC - Today, Representative Mark Sanford released his public schedule for Tuesday, October 16th. 

Sep 28, 2018 Blog Post

Today, the House voted on the last of the three bills that, together, are being referred to as “Tax Reform 2.0.” The two smaller bills were voted on yesterday and the bigger bill came this morning. 

These three bills consisted of the following…. 

Sep 26, 2018 Blog Post

Today, the House voted on a bill that provides full-year funding in 2019 for the military and the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education as well as a temporary extension of 2018 funding levels for the rest of the federal government. 

Sep 24, 2018 Blog Post

Can I bring up another civil liberty concern given my post from last week?

Sep 10, 2018 Blog Post

Hurricane Florence is still 1,400 miles away, but with much of the South Carolina coastline in the "cone of uncertainty," it’s a reminder to go down the Scout's checklist and “Be Prepared” for all types of emergencies associated with peak hurricane season. 

Sep 7, 2018 Blog Post

Today, the House voted on a bill H.R. 6691, which would redefine “crimes of violence” in federal law. This comes about because of the recent Supreme Court decision in Sessions v. Dimaya in which the Court held the current definition is unconstitutionally vague. As a result, the twice-convicted green card holder, James Dimaya, is allowed to stay in the country rather than being deported.

Sep 6, 2018 Blog Post

I detest bills that amount to nothing more than messaging bills designed to help in fundraising efforts.

We took a vote on such a bill this evening, and I voted no.
