Working Hard to Rebuild our National Security, Improve Economic Opportunity & Protect our Constitutional Liberties


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  • Waco Tribune: New tax bill paves way for era of prosperity in 2018 and beyond
    Posted in Op-Eds on December 30, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    By U.S. Rep. Bill Flores There has been an incredible amount of false rhetoric regarding tax reform recently. As a Texas Certified Public Accountant (CPA), former energy CEO and a former chief financial officer for three multi-national businesses, I have a comprehensive and deep “real world” understanding on the impact of tax policy on American wage growth, economic activity and international competitiveness. I rely on that expertise to write and set the record straight regarding tax reform. As ... Read more

  • The Eagle: House tax bill would boost America
    Posted in Op-Eds on November 18, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes

    By U.S. Rep. Bill Flores Our current tax code is more than 30 years old; it is complicated and full of loopholes for special interests. It is estimated that in 2016, Americans spent 8.9 billion hours preparing and filing their taxes. We can do better. Hardworking American families deserve a tax code that is fair and simple while allowing them to keep more of their money to save for the future, educate their children and feel economically secure. With the recent House passage of the Tax Cuts and ... Read more

  • “Making a Hand” for the American Dream
    Posted in Op-Eds on August 3, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes, Oversight and Government Reform, Budget & the Economy, Energy, Health Care

    By Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) When my family left Spain for the New World in 1725, they came in search of liberty, opportunity, and security. Settling near Nacogdoches in present-day Texas, they had no idea if or how those dreams would be achieved. Nine generations later, I am among the fortunate in my family to have achieved the American Dream. Now, as a Representative in Congress, I am committed to making sure all Americans have the same opportunities that this country has provided to me. Growing... Read more

  • Houston Chronicle: U.S. must better manage nuclear waste storage
    Posted in Op-Eds on June 26, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Energy

    By Reps. Bill Flores and Gene Green Texas epitomizes our nation's energy abundance. From traditional oil and gas production to cutting-edge renewable energy technologies, everything really is bigger in Texas. As part of this critical energy mix, Texas' four nuclear reactors provide critical, clean and reliable "base-load" electricity for the state's residents and businesses, supplying about 9 percent of all electricity consumed throughout the state. Additionally, nuclear energy facilities suppor... Read more

  • Waco Tribune: House health-care package offers relief from failed Obamacare
    Posted in Op-Eds on May 14, 2017 | Preview rr

    By Rep. Bill Flores The Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — was based on a one-size-fits-all approach that put bureaucrats in Washington in charge of your health care. This month I, along with a majority of my House colleagues, took a vitally important first step in repealing and replacing this disastrous law. The House passed the American Health Care Act to begin the process to provide America with a 21st century health-care system that lowers costs, encourages competition and, most importantly,... Read more

  • THE EAGLE: GOP health care bill would restore consumer choice
    Posted in Op-Eds on March 19, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Health Care

    By Rep. Bill Flores Americans are faced with lots of rhetoric about health care today and what Washington is doing about it -- some factual and some not. In order to address this, I am writing to have a candid conversation about the current state of The Affordable Care Act (commonly known as "Obamacare"). This discussion has to start with the condition of Obamacare today. When it passed Congress in 2010, its goals were to increase access to health care and to improve affordability. My Central Te... Read more

  • Waco Tribune: Pause in immigration will let us improve vetting process for our safety
    Posted in Op-Eds on February 12, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Defense and Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security and Law Enforcement

    By Rep. Bill Flores There has been substantial confusion and some hysteria regarding President Trump’s recent Executive Order 13769 to temporarily suspend the entry of persons from seven troubled countries. I think it’s important to separate fact from fiction from flawed logic surrounding this order. Thus, I’m writing to report the facts. Before getting into the weeds of this discussion, I want to state unequivocally that while I support the president’s executive order, I am profoundly disappoin... Read more

  • Morning Consult: Initial Health Care Relief Measures Put Patients First and Help Stabilize Markets
    Posted in Op-Eds on February 2, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Health Care

    Everywhere you turn, health markets are nearing collapse. It’s an unfortunate and catastrophic reality of too much federal intervention in our health care. From soaring deductibles and skyrocketing premiums to fleeing insurers, it’s no wonder patients are paying more out of pocket each year under the so-called “Affordable Care Act.” Today, the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee will examine four legislative solutions to help deliver relief. Together, the bills will play an impor... Read more

  • Morning Consult: Three Reforms to Strengthen Medicaid and Prioritize the Most Vulnerable
    Posted in Op-Eds on February 1, 2017 | Preview rr
    Tags: Health Care

    Medicaid is a critically important safety net program that serves the most vulnerable in every community and it is imperative that these vital tax dollars are spent taking care of those in the greatest need. Today, the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee will examine three commonsense reforms, authored by us individually, to ensure Medicaid is working for those it serves. The bills cover a range of issues within the program, but work toward the common goal of strengthening the pr... Read more

  • The Eagle: GOP offers 'A Better Way' to run America
    Posted in Op-Eds on November 27, 2016 | Preview rr
    Tags: Taxes, Oversight and Government Reform, Budget & the Economy, Defense and Foreign Affairs, Energy, Health Care, Homeland Security and Law Enforcement, Immigration

    By U.S. Rep. Bill Flores On Election Day, the American people sent a clear message. They no longer will stand for weaker national security, executive branch overreach, excessive regulation and the unbridled expansion of the federal government. After eight years of failed Washington policies, hardworking Americans rejected the status quo in Washington and they want to go a different direction. Over the past several months, I have been working with my fellow House of Representatives colleagues to ... Read more

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