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  • Human Trafficking

    Trafficking I share your passion for protecting the most vulnerable among us. Slavery and human trafficking in any form is morally reprehensible, and I am deeply saddened by this tragic oppression of human life. It is my hope to see this global scour...

  • Immigration

    Immigration Since I came to Congress, I have advocated for immigration laws that would secure our homeland and preserve the rule of law. The goal is to protect us from the criminal elements who seek to cross our borders and engage in drug or gang act...

  • National Security

    The Constitution gives the federal government no greater role than the defense of the American people. I strongly support a vigorous national defense that provides our Armed Forces with the resources necessary to protect against threats to our natio...

  • School Safety

    The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, Parkland High School, and too many others have sparked a national discussion on how to best protect our children. Shortly after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Hous...

  • Veterans

    Supporting Our Veterans Our active duty military and our veterans have given much to this nation and have expected little in return. They have put their lives on the line for our country, and their incredible service keeps us safe every day. It is ou...

  • Social Security/Medicare

    Entitlements Social Security is going broke. The SSA estimates that Social Security will run out of money to pay full benefits by 2034 at the latest. When Social Security reaches insolvency, all beneficiaries, including current ones, will face a 25 p...

  • Jobs, Taxes, and Economic Growth

    After the Great Recession and many years of slow economic growth, the American economy is finally beginning to roar back to life. As an economist and the Chairman of the Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access, I have ...

  • Financial Services

    As an economist, I understand that free markets are conducive to economic growth, good-paying jobs, and prosperity. Markets in the financial sector are currently distorted through a wide variety of tax and regulatory provisions. Reasonable regulation...

  • Opioid Crisis

    Opioids Opioids are a highly addictive class of drugs which range from illegal substances like heroin to prescription painkillers like morphine and oxycodone. The prescription versions of these drugs first became widespread in the late 1990s under th...

  • Transportation and Infrastructure

    Our nation is facing a number of transportation and infrastructure challenges. Our roads and bridges are aging are in need of repairs and expansion, our ports and airports are dealing with more traffic, and our water and sewer systems are aging and n...

  • Budget and Fiscal Issues

    Our nation is on an unsustainable fiscal course that is threatening our future as a republic. Years of deficit spending in the hundreds of billions has skyrocketed our national debt, reaching over $20 trillion today. What our leaders in Washington to...

  • Education and Opportunity

    Educating our children is vital to our nation’s continued prosperity and economic strength during this time of increasing competition in business and trade from abroad. Successful education policy almost always starts at the local and state level rat...

  • Second Amendment

    I am a strong supporter of gun rights. The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution for a reason - it provides the people with the ultimate guarantee of sovereignty. My support for this, and all constitutional ...

  • Healthcare

    Health Care I am a strong proponent of HSAs. HSAs have become more and more popular since their creation in 2003. About 17 million accounts hold more than $30 billion in savings. I have introduced related legislation titled the Health Savings Account...

  • Congressional Ethics

    I believe disclosure, transparency and sunlight is the best way to fight corruption. I trust the wisdom of the electorate far more than I trust politicians. Members of Congress should be held to high standards as they represent and serve the American...

  • Environment

    There is no doubt that we must be good stewards of the environmental treasures with which we have been blessed. As a father, I understand that the welfare of future generations depends on it. I support appropriate congressional action when it comes t...

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