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Health Care

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Since implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the insurance marketplace for Obamacare opened, I have heard scores of stories regarding the problems that people  and employers are experiencing in finding coverage that is actually affordable. This ill-conceived law is continuing to cause massive uncertainty as we see the effect this law is having on job growth, economic growth, and American families.

Proponents of Obamacare originally said that it would lower costs, improve quality, and cover those that had a pre-existing condition. Yet, today we see that it will actually costs jobs, reduces choices, lowers the quality of care, and hurts the very people it was intended to help.

Since my first day in office, one of my top priorities has been not only to repeal Obamacare but to replace it with free-market principles that improve competition and increase choices for each and every American. Passage of the American Health Care Act, coupled with administrative actions by Health and Human Services Secretary and additional legislation to improve the delivery and cost of health care will create a 21st century health-care system that is patient-focused, market-driven, competitive and affordable for all families.


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