Boosting Jobs & Economic Growth

Around our community, the issues that I hear about most frequently are the basics needed to make life work - a job to put food on the table, savings to pay for retirement or college, and affordable healthcare. Read more about my work to boost jobs and grow our economy.

Securing Our National Defense

Having served in combat operations in Afghanistan, I learned firsthand how the United States’ retreat from a leadership role in the international community has set the world on a dangerous course that threatens our national security. Read more about my work to secure our national defense.

Reforming Government & Increasing Transparency

Too often, politicians are more interested in helping themselves than helping the people they represent and seem more interested in fighting than finding solutions to the serious issues facing our country. Read more about my efforts to change the failed status quo in Washington.

Serving Our Veterans

Our nation’s veterans have earned the very best care our country has to offer. Sadly, as a veteran myself, I’ve seen firsthand how often the government fails our veterans. We can and must do better. Read more about my work to improve care for our veterans.

Supporting Our Ally Israel

We cannot allow the defense of our ally Israel to be an issue of right versus left. For me, and for all freedom-loving Americans, standing with Israel—for democracy and human rights—will always be an issue of right versus wrong. Read more about my work to support Israel.

Reducing Taxes & Federal Spending

Washington’s spending habits are completely out of control. These high levels of debt are simply unsustainable and will limit economic opportunities for future generations of Floridians if not addressed. Read more about my work to lower taxes and reduce spending.

Increasing Education & Opportunity

As the father of three young children, working to ensure a quality education for all students in our community is a top priority of mine. Education is the building block for everything that we hope to achieve as a nation - from curing cancer to reducing homelessness. Read more about my work to increase opportunity through education.

Protecting The Environment

Our community has felt the social and economic consequences of environmental disaster firsthand. The water issues stemming from Lake Okeechobee exemplify why it's absolutely critical that we work together to strengthen conservation programs. Read more about my work to protect our environment.

Preserving Florida's Natural Resources

Cleaning the water in our community is a non-negotiable priority. These waterways are irreplaceable treasures, central to the economy and quality of life in our region. Read more about my work to clean our waterways and protect Florida's natural resources.

Keeping Families & Kids Safe

In order to keep our community safe, I'm working to support our local law enforcement and provide local community organizations with the support they need to fight crime, prevent domestic terrorism, reduce drug abuse, help those struggling with mental illness, stop domestic violence and more. Read more about my work to keep our community safe.

Promoting Human Rights

One of the roles I take most seriously in Congress is the opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless. Far too often, throughout the world and inside the United States, people are discriminated against because of their beliefs, religion, gender or ethnicity. Read more about my work to promote human rights.

Defending Seniors

One of my top priorities in Congress is protecting Medicare and Social Security for today’s seniors and for future generations. When the federal government created these programs, it made a commitment to America’s seniors, and it’s a commitment that must be upheld. Read more about my work for seniors.

Reforming Our Immigration System

There is no question that our immigration system is broken, and for far too long, Congress has ignored its responsibility to fix the problem. The time has come for Congress to lead on this issue. Read more about my work to reform our broken immigration system.

Making Health Care Affordable

The rising costs of healthcare have prevented families from seeking the care that they need and a new maze of bureaucracy has led to less choice for American families. Read more about my work to give every American access to quality, affordable healthcare.

Improving Transportation & Infrastructure

As a member of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, my top priority is completing the projects affecting the Indian River Lagoon and our beaches. Read more about my work to upgrade local infrastructure.