Press Release ● Congress
For Immediate Release: 
February 28, 2017
Contact Info: 

Mariel Saez 202-225-3130

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement tonight after President Trump delivered an address to a Joint Session of Congress:

“Tonight, President Trump stood before the United States Congress and gave a speech long on rhetoric but short on any real policy agenda.  It shouldn’t surprise anyone, though, because that’s what how this Administration operates: plenty of bluster and talk, but no real action to help Americans secure jobs, access opportunities, or get ahead.  The President seems to have confused governing with promising everyone what they want.  In truth, governing means making the tough choices necessary to deliver real results.  

“What we are seeing is a President obsessed with checking off campaign promises but whose actions erode the very promise of America.  Since taking office, President Trump has focused his time and energy on distractions that put our country and our economy in danger.  His policies have alienated key allies and emboldened our enemies.  He’s threatened and maligned immigrant families and attacked freedom of the press.  Even as Americans across the country have demanded at town halls that their Representatives protect the Affordable Care Act, President Trump announced tonight that he and Congressional Republicans will be moving full-steam ahead to take health coverage away from more than 30 million Americans and raise costs for tens of millions more.  

“Democrats are united and will remain focused on the issues that Americans care about: jobs, opportunity, and security.”