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Federal Grants

Our office may be able to assist your organization with federal and/or third party grant applications. If you would like to request a letter of support for an application, please contact Miranda Henderson in our Bryan/College Station office  (979) 703-4037 for information on the requirements.

The following information has been prepared by the Congressional Research Service for Members of Congress, which gives guidance and Internet resources on Federal grants and nonfinancial assistance, as well as on private foundation funding.

How Best to Find Information

Find funding programs and learn how to write grant proposals:

   1. Search or browse the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance by Keyword and other indexes for grants, loans, business and nonfinancial help.

   2. Contact Federal office given in CFDA program description: if indicated, use CFDA Appendix IV: Federal Regional or Local Office Addresses (by Agency or by State).

   3. Search Federal Web sites given in each CFDA program description for more information and for State Administering Agencies responsible for managing these programs.

   4. Check current Federal grants postings at and apply online.

   5. Search also foundations for project funding: use the Foundation Center Web site or Foundation Center book collections in libraries to identify national, State, and community foundations.

   6. Learn how to write grant proposals: follow CDFA's Developing and Writing Grant Proposals, or take the Foundation Centers Proposal Writing Short Course.

Key Federal Funding Sources

Federal grants website that allows organizations to electronically find and apply for current competitive grant opportunities from ALL Federal agencies. Grant seekers can check on notices of funding availability posted in the last 7 days; sign up to receive e-mail notification of future grant opportunities; and apply for Federal grants online through a unified process. For full Federal program descriptions, see CFDA below.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(General Services Administration)
The Catalog (CFDA), issued annually and updated continuously on the Web, describes some 1600 Federal grants and non financial assistance programs. Grantseekers can identify programs that might support their projects and can learn the program's objectives, requirements, application procedures and contacts. For current notices of funding availability, see

Catalog Indexes and Listings

Although keyword searching is often a good place to start, also browse by broad subject (Functional Area), by Federal Department or Agency, or by Beneficiary to identify more Federal funding programs. CFDA program descriptions refer to local and regional Federal office addresses, to related programs, and to Office of Management and Budget circulars, all available full text on the Internet.

Developing and Writing Grant Proposals

Guidance in formulating Federal grant applications, including initial proposal development, basic components of a proposal, review recommendations, and referral to Federal guidelines and literature.

Federal Regional or Local Office Addresses

Much of the Federal grants budget moves to the States through formula and block grants -- State, regional, and local Federal offices often handle grants applications and funds disbursement. If the CFDA program description refers to a State or regional Information Contact as listed in Appendix IV, grantseekers should contact them before applying for funding to obtain the most up-to-date information.

State 'Single Points of Contact' 
(Office of Management and Budget)
Under Executive Order 12372, some States require Federal grants applicants to submit a copy of their application for State government level review and comment. The State offices listed here coordinate government (both Federal and State) grants development and may provide guidance to grantseekers. For help in identifying State-level grants, other State government agencies Web sites include: State and Local Agencies by Topic, the Library of Congress' State Government Information and National Association of State Development Agencies.

CDFA in Print
(Government Printing Office)
Although the Catalog is available full-text on the Internet, some may prefer a print edition. However, only the Web Catalog is continuously updated—the published volume is annual with no supplements.   
  • The Catalog is available in all States in Federal Depository Libraries.
  • Order the published Catalog from the Government Printing Office (search "Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance" or "CFDA" for cost and availability).

Related Federal Resources

A-Z Index of U.S. Departments and Agencies (General Services Administration)
To better develop a grant proposal, search a department or agency’s Home Page to learn more about its programs and objectives. The site also links to Government Benefits, Grants and Financial Aid.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Department of Energy)
Grants are EERE’s primary funding vehicle for businesses, industries, universities and others. Most EERE grants are awarded on merit on a competitive basis. EERE financial assistance opportunities are listed in the Financial Opportunities by Audience database and on or For state-by-state information on state, local. utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, search DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency).

Homeland Security -- Grants Funding State, Local and Tribal Governments (Dept. of Homeland Security)
Most Homeland Security non-disaster grant programs are designated for state and local governments and specific entities such as colleges, etc. Unsolicited applications from individuals are generally not accepted. Includes Urban Area Security Initiative, Citizens Corps, Medical Response System, Operation Stonegarden (border security), Infrastructure Protection.   Contact homeland security State Offices. Programs for firefighters may be found at Assistance to Firefighters. for Business (GSA)
Includes contracting with the U.S. government, international trade and exporting, and small business. See also financial assistance links at the Small Business Administration website. for Nonprofits (GSA)
Links to federal department and agency information and service for nonprofit organizations, including fundraising and outreach, grants, loans and other assistance, laws and regulations, management and operations, online services, registration and licensing, and tax information. The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Initiatives includes information on Grants and Resources

Student Aid on the Web (Dept. of Education)
Information on funding education beyond high school, including grants, loans, and work-study assistance to qualified students. (via Department of Labor)
Includes information on over 1,000 government assistance programs, and how to apply. Covers direct payment, loan, insurance, training, or other services.

FTC Consumer Alert (Federal Trade Commission)
The FTC warns consumers to beware of paying "processing fees" for information that is available free to the public. Ads claiming federal grants are available for home repairs, home business, unpaid bills, or other personal expenses are often a scam.

OMB Grants Management Web Site (Office of Management and Budget)
OMB establishes government-wide grants management policies and guidelines through circulars and common rules. OMB Circulars  are cited in Catalog program descriptions and may be printed out fulltext.

Private and Corporate Funding

The Foundation Center

Gateway to information about private funding sources, the grant seeking process, guidelines on writing a grant proposal, addresses of state libraries with grants reference collections, and links to other useful Internet websites. The Center maintains a comprehensive database on foundations; produces print and electronic directories and guides; conducts research and publishes studies in the field; and offers a variety of training and educational seminars.

Grant Resources by State (Grantsmanship Center)
Click on state map to find links to information about a state’s foundations, community foundations, corporate giving programs and the state’s home page.

Additional Resources

Federal Funds Express – A list of recommended sites with information for researching grants, procurement, and other resources on the internet.
Foundation Center – A leading source of information about private and community foundations nationwide

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