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Press Releases

Flores Discusses This Week in Washington

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WASHINGTON, D.C., September 14, 2018 | Andre Castro (202-225-605) | comments

U.S. Representative Bill Flores (R-Texas) issued the following statements regarding House passage of H.R. 5895, the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act; S. 3021, the America's Water Infrastructure Act; and the introduction and committee passage of Tax Reform 2.0:

“The Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act provides the resources necessary to make America secure; and to take care of our veterans. This funding bill helps strengthen our military, supports a strong nuclear security strategy, strengthens oversight and accountability at the VA, prioritizes safety and security at the U.S. Capitol, invests in infrastructure, and advances a 21st century American energy strategy. As this bipartisan bill makes its way to the president’s desk to be signed into law, Congress will continue its work to fund the other departments of the federal government for the upcoming fiscal year.”

America's Water Infrastructure Act
“Improving our nation’s water infrastructure is essential for protecting our communities and economic growth. The America's Water Infrastructure Act bolsters our nation’s water infrastructure by authorizing the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct projects to improve our ports, dams, waterways and flood protection. It also provides reforms that cut through bureaucratic red tape to expedite these vital improvements. I remain committed to working with my House colleagues to strengthen and modernize our nation’s infrastructure to meet the needs of the 21st century.”

Tax Reform 2.0
“Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, hardworking American families and small businesses have benefited from our bold, pro-growth tax reform. To build upon these growing successes, House Republicans introduced Tax Reform 2.0. This legislative package of three bills works to further deliver more jobs, bigger paychecks and fairer taxes. We are making the current individual and small business tax cuts permanent, something that could not have been done under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act due to the Senate’s archaic rules. We are also boosting American innovation by lessening the tax burden on startup costs for businesses and making it easier for families to save for the future.

“Tax Reform 2.0 should be coming to the House floor for a vote in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to supporting these bills so that we can provide certainty to hardworking Texas families and continue to spur economic growth.”

The Tax Reform 2.0 package consists of the following bills:
H.R. 6760, the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act
H.R. 6757, the Family Savings Act
H.R. 6756, the American Innovation Act



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I applaud President Trump for signing the First Step Act into law. This bipartisan bill creates a more efficient federal criminal justice system, similar to reforms made at the state level in Texas. These reforms strengthen public safety and save taxpayer dollars, while offering certain eligible non-violent offenders an earned opportunity for redemption.

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