National Security

The greatest trust placed upon Congress by the American people is to provide for their security by maintaining a strong national defense.
As the former ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, I have worked to ensure that our men and women in uniform are the finest fighting force in the world.  Oklahoma has a rich military heritage, and I have worked to maintain our military installations throughout the state and ensure they have the resources they need to attract new missions and keep Oklahoma at the forefront of our national defense.  I will continue to support and fight for Altus Air Force Base, Fort Sill, McAlester’s Ammunition Plant, Tinker Air Force Base and Air Logistics Center and Vance Air Force Base as well as our numerous National Guard stations throughout the state.
Having travelled overseas on numerous occasions to visit our troops on the front lines and stationed around the world, I know that a strong national defense that protects this nation and defends liberty is the most important function of our federal government.  We need to address shortfalls in the military’s budget that have occurred over the years, so that our forces remain the world’s elite.  I have also worked to build global partnerships with allies throughout the world.  It is crucial to train and equip our allies to be able defend themselves against terrorist influences throughout the world.  I was one of the first Members of Congress to visit the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO) in 2002, and often was one of the lone voices in the Senate that has advocated for keeping it open.  No other facility in the world can safely house and try terrorist detainees better than GITMO, period.  Since the detention facilities in GITMO opened after the September 11, 2001 attacks, President Obama has repeatedly tried and failed to close GITMO.  He even tried to bring the terrorists onto American soil.
I have also been a strong advocate for our missile defense systems, and have repeatedly fought to protect and improve our missile defense programs.  The American people must not be left more vulnerable to a nuclear attack, and I remain dissatisfied with President Obama’s cuts and strategy.
Finally, I have always fought to preserve American sovereignty against internationalist proposals originating at the United Nations.  I have been one of the lone voices against the New START treaty which President Obama supported to reduce our nuclear stock pile without verification and without modernization of our nuclear capabilities.  I have also been one of the lone voices against the United Nation’s Convention of the Law of the Sea Treaty.  This treaty would subject the U.S. to international taxation for the first time from the UN, and give unelected, international bureaucracies increasing control over international resources.
